Monday, July 27, 2009

Bringin' Down the House

I picked up Red Faction Guerilla from Gamefly recently. I really wasn't too excited about playing this one, but with all the fighting games flooding the market right now there wasn't anything else I wanted to play. It turned out better than expected though.

You play Mason who comes to Mars to mine shit. Well the baddies kill his brother and he gets wrapped up in a rebellion to free Mars from the Earth Defense Force. You basically become the Red Faction's lil bitch. Running around doing errands for them by yourself. If your lucky maybe you will be able to drive a raiding party and actually have some help in your missions. It's not all bad though. The more shit you stir up the more the local populous will join your cause and take up arms with you.
Sometimes it's better for you to be on your own. Your basic purpose in life is destroy everything the EDF owns. So it's easier to sneak into places by yourself. And when I say sneak I don't mean like Solid Snake. This game is not about stealth. The first time you set a charge the EDF will be on you like an angry hornets nest. You do a lot of running and gunning.
The missions are extremely repetitive and predictable but blowing shit up and taking down buildings with a sledgehammer never gets old. You might be able to finish the game just on that point alone. The weapons you can unlock are pretty cool too. And nothing beats driving a giant mining mech and plowing through a 2 story!
All in all not a bad game. If you're not into fighting games and are looking for some mindless destruction then pick this one up. It's not a BUY but it will keep you busy for a few days.


Monday, July 20, 2009

We Are Famous!!!

Smoof and I were able to attend EVO 2009 this year, and it was a blast! While walking around the event, we happen to catch Seth Killian. Smoof, being the wise gamer that he is, instead of asking a question about Street Fighter 4 (which everyone was doing, and what I'm guilty of continuing), he asks him the burning question: What is the Megaman 9 secret? Here was the response...

I guess people started to hear about the video, which ended up getting on GoNintendo and Kotaku!!! Holy shit!

Thank you to Smoof for his awesome question, Seth Killian for being the coolest guy at the event and spending time to not only answer the question (kind of) but to take pictures with us as well, and to Kotaku and GoNintendo for picking this video up! We at 6Cents appreciate the support!!!