Sunday, May 24, 2009


Been meaning to sit down and give my review of the latest game about the Ol' Canucklehead, but I haven't had time with playing the game so much. I love Wolverine. He is one of my favorite heroes. Whenever there is an X-men game or Wolverine game out, I like to play it to see if it lives up to the comic book. It never does. Well...until now.

I saw the movie. Loved it. Of course I expected a game tie in. The always have them to go with the big Hollywood blockbusters. I didn't expect it to amount to much but of course why break tradition? I put the game in my queue on Gamefly and waited. Certainly not with bated breath.
So the game arrived and I put it in. Four hours later I realized I had hacked and slashed my way past my bedtime!
The game plays like a God of War clone. Which is great if you are a fan of that type of game. Who isn't? Instead of chained axes, you have the most badass weapons ever dreamt of. Six 12 inch claws of razor sharp adamantium. Finally a game that gets it right. You get to slice and dice like a set of Ginsu knives! Limbs will fly, blood will splatter and heads will roll! It's fantastic.
The controls are pretty good. Clunky every once in a while but not too bad. Fighting is fantastic. Of course you can upgrade Logan's powers and abilities with experience. You will learn more great fight moves to take on different enemy types and multiple enemies at once. Lunging is by far the most satisfying part of combat in this game. Being able to jump 50 yards and land on some poor schmuck while burying your claws in his chest is so delightful! There are also some God of War inspired button tapping cinematics.
The story line of the game is loosely based on the movie. They added and changed a few things here and there to make the game longer and more interesting. This doesn't bother me in the least. After watching the movie it is nice to not know exactly what is going to happen at every turn in the game. Hugh Jackman does the voice over for the game. It makes it a lot of fun because to me he is a great Wolverine. If the other actors don't do the voice overs for their characters then the people that they got sure do sound a lot like them.
So my recommendation is to definitely play this one. This is the best Wolverine game ever made. They don't penalize you for having a healing ability or somehow try to dumb it down. They let Wolvie be himself. I will have to say that this is a RENT though. The game is short enough and easy enough to only have limited re-playability.

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