Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Call of Duty: World at War Beta Code!!! : CLOSED!!!

UPDATE: This contest is now over. Thanks for participating!

That's right ladies and gentlemen, 6Cents has 1 Xbox 360 Beta Code for Call of Duty: World at War to give away!

All you gotta do is to send me an email at Maverick.6Cents@gmail.com, explaining why you want the beta key. Keep it short and creative, because I can't read good...

Good luck to everyone!



Monday, October 27, 2008

Holy Lego Batman!

Some of you might be groaning at the thought of yet another installment of the Lego series, but I hope you keep an open mind and check this one out. I am a big fan of the Lego games and Lego Batman is probably my favorite. The same style of gameplay is still here. Collecting Lego studs as currency, find the mini kit pieces and the power up bricks. There are a couple of new twists that are totally Batman though. Along with the myriad of characters available for play Batman and Robin get new costumes to handle the dozens of puzzles you run into. Heat resistance, Sonic blaster, Magnetic boots and a Scuba suit to name just a few. These add a new dimension to the gameplay that the last iterations didn't have. You start out with the normal Batman and have to locate a special suit in the level to pass certain obstacles or reach a bonus. Probably the best thing about this game though is the ability to play as the villians and not just in free play. You can play the story from both sides of the coin (sorry, bad Two-Face pun). Good guy levels are played from the Batcave and bad guy levels are played from Arkham Asylum. Batman and Robin might have to defeat the Joker to save Commissioner Gordon, but you can play the level where Joker kidnaps him in the first place! This is a great addition to the Lego franchise. If you liked the previous ones or you are just a big Batman buff you will definitely get a kick out of this one. That's my two cents anyway.


6Cents Video Game Podcast - Episode 004 - Bejeweleding, More Stern Letters, and the Herps

*Music found on Galbadia Hotel, this site is awesome for old school game music!

Click Here for RSS Feed or to add to iTunes!!!

"Better late than never" fits perfectly for my excuse why this podcast is 2 weeks late. Oh well, press play and let's forget this even happened...

On this one, you can hear Dead-Weight playing Bejeweled 2 on his iPod Touch. If you want to play a drinking game, take a shot everytime you hear him start a new game. Enjoy!

Microsoft News - Tomb Raider Bitch Slap, and 360 Owning Japan

Sony News - Valve WTF, Price Drop No No, and We Be Buzzin'

Nintendo News - Let's Tap... into Your Wallet, and DSigasm

PC News - FREE Demos... oh wait...


Monday, October 20, 2008

Max Payne - Our 2 Cents

The 6Cents Crew went to go see Max Payne on opening night. Here is what we thought about it...


Going into the theater, I had high hopes that this would be the first video game movie that wouldn't suck. I was thinking to myself, "Its Max F'in Payne, you can't screw that up!" Well, I was semi wrong.

I've played through the first game, but never picked up the second, yet mostly everything that was going on in the movie seemed to be very confusing. I sympathize with the people that were there that night, who haven't played the game, because I understand if they had questioned looks on their faces. Not only was it confusing, but it seemed to be all over the place. This is pretty much the formula of the film: Introduce new character, cut to a flash back of Max Payne's past, then cut to a fly-by scene of the city, repeat. Very random.

Now, you might be asking, "but Maverick, what about the gunfights and bullet time, those had to have been good, right!?" Not quite. There was really only 2-3 scenes where Payne was fighting badies, but it seemed like they failed at this too. I thought that they were too quick and easy. The Bullet Time scenes were pretty good, but it's sad that only 5-8 seconds of Bullet Time were the best parts of the movie.

All I have to say is, go see it for yourself. Maybe I'm being too hard on the movie. There was definitely potential in there some where, and I kind of felt that this wasn't the final version the director wanted, but it is what it is. Oh, and please tell Ludacris to take acting classes, my god.

I give it 3 out of 5 cents.


of hard to come up with a review when five minutes into the show Fringe, everyone's eyes start bleeding and some lady's head literally blows up! So anyways, Has there ever been a great video game to movie adaptation? With that in mind I saw the movie with no high expectations... okay maybe a little since I'm a fan of the games.

Oh how I loved diving in slow motion and all the gun fights in the game. The movie however, was lacking some of those basic elements from the game. I felt that there wasn't too much of a connection with Payne and all the other characters in the film just felt like kind of flat. You do get the idea that Payne is feeling emo because he's wife was murdered, but they don't really go into detail until the middle of the movie. I think they should have really showed his past in the beginning and then go on to scenes of him out looking for revenge!

Mila Kunis played Moana in the flick. Her character didn't seem too developed for the movie at all. She's here one second, gone another and comes back to look cute again.
She was just better off speaking in Russian and shooting the whole time. That would look hotter. Her role was pretty significant in the second game. She was pretty much your hot ass side kick. The way this movie played went... they probably could have just left her out.

So in the end, I would have just liked more real gun fights if they're not going to develop the characters and story well. There were only really two gunfights in the movie. After this movie... maybe Hollywood should really stay away from video game to movie adaptations like kids should stay away from Michael Jackson.

2 out of 5 cents for Max Payne.



Friday, October 10, 2008

Puzzles In Real Life

Have you ever wondered about puzzles in Resident Evil games? Don't get me wrong... they're fun and makes the game a bit unique. I mean... who the hell sets up puzzles to hide things or restrict access to areas in a mansion or a police station!? Can you imagine anyone doing this in real life? OMG I need a first aid kit, but I can't because it's locked in an indestructible see through enclosure. To unlock it I need to move statues, located on the other side of the building, onto pressure plates thus releasing the enclosure. Not to mention I need to navigate my way through hallways filled with puzzling traps.

Just imagine puzzles applied to everyday scenarios. Do you think this would be fun? I sure as hell don't think so. Especially if I need to solve a problem to get into the bathroom. Sometimes you just don't have the time to solve anything.

So I'm just curious what events in life do you think would be a bad time to have puzzles or good times to have them. Like maybe someone should have thrown a puzzle at Bush before he could wage war LOL! So please leave comments or email your ideas! I'd love to hear them.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Finally, Some Good News

Photo Credit: Shacknews

No, your eyes do not deceive you. That IS Sephiroth and Old Snake, side by side in LittleBigPlanet.

With all the bad news of Sony exclusives being turned into multiplatformed releases (Final Fantasy XIII and now the newly announced Tekken 6), I was in search for something that would lift my fanboy spirits. I came across this on ShackNews. It has been confirmed that Old Snake and Sephiroth will be joining the cast of iconic Sackboy/girl characters (others include Kratos from God of War, and Nariko from Heavenly Sword), come October 21st when the game is released. Not only that, but if you have designed levels for the game and were afraid that they wouldn't be transferred over, well you can stop worrying now. Those custom levels will be transferable to the final version.

What great PlayStation icons would you like to see? Let me know in the comments section.

Parrapa the Rappa, anyone? You gotta believe!

Sources: Shacknews, Joystiq


Another Exlusive Gone Multiplatform

Photo Credit: Video Game Central

Once again, Sony hits the "Fail" button as Tekken 6 makes its way over to the Xbox 360 for the first time ever.

Announced at the Tokyo Game Show yesterday, Namco Bandai revealed that Tekken 6, which has always been exclusive to the PlayStation franchise, will now be released simultaneously with the Xbox 360. The director (Katsuhiro Harada) of the project sought out to explain himself, saying that with the game being released on both console, even more people will be able to enjoy the game.

Personally, I think this sad news. Yes, I understand that its pretty pricey to develop games nowadays, and if you can spread your game over a wider console base, you could make more money. But there was a time when exclusives made your console decision. There was a time when you could sit down and say "Which console is better? Well, lets see who has what games." Now its turned into "Which console is better? Well, who has the better controller?"

This has led me to believe that Sony has nothing up their sleeves anymore, not like the old days. The only games that they have going for themselves (if THOSE don't turn multiplatform as well) are Resistance, Killzone, and LittleBigPlanet. Are these enough to push consoles and make them more money? Can those games finally put a stop to Sony being pussies? Man up Sony, hold on to those titles. Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, Tekken, these were the reasons why you chose PlayStation! Now what do we have? Nothing. Xbox is clearly winning this, and I really do think that Sony has to pull something out of their asses by the end of the year to really be on top.

Now, if you excuse me, I need to go cry in a corner and slit my wrists.

TGS 2008: Tekken 6 Smacking Xbox 360

Sources: Gamespot


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Play on!

Unsubstantiated rumors are flying around the net that the SOCOM Confrontation Beta will be extended yet again until Saturday or Sunday! This is so that the newest patch 1.6 can be tested and is supposed to be available tomorrow, Thursday the 9th. With the game coming out on next Tuesday this will possibly cut our W.O.S. (without SOCOM) time down to 2-3 days max! W00t!


Daily Buzz

The popular trivia gameshow game has finally been upgraded from PS2 to PS3! I was pretty excited to hear this considering I am a self-proclaimed god of trivia games. I picked up the game this weekend and have spent considerable time making my family and friends feel dumb as a box of rocks. I actually felt sorry for them and had to put the buzzer down for a couple of rounds to give them a chance.

The PS3 version of the game comes with four bluetooth controllers each assigned it's own number and a bluetooth usb dongle. Yes, only one dongle is need for all four controllers so don't stress out if you opted for the cheaper version of PS3 with only 2 usb ports like I did. (Seriously, buy a 4 port usb hub, will ya?)
If you haven't played the PS2 version then let me tell you a lil about the game. You get to choose your character from about 10 different pre-designed freaks. Yes they are all weird. Like Addams family weird. You get to add your name or use the default and play a little dress up by choosing different outfit colors for you character. Entertaining the first time you play the game, but unless your 6 you'll soon not give a crap.
There are several game play styles that you will play through as you compete with the other players. Some are non-competitive and some are cut-throat. Being fast can sometimes be just as important as being correct for getting big points. Right or wrong you will be rewarded with entertaining comments from the host and retarded dances and poses from your character.
The meat and potatoes of the game comes from the actual trivia questions though. The categories are new and relevant with thousands of questions you probably won't see the same one twice for a little while. Perhaps my favorite thing about this game is the DLC from PSN. I noticed 3 question packs on PSN so far with 500 questions a piece. That's 1500 questions you can download when you have run the gambit on the disk questions.
With the addition of being able to make your own trivia questions up and add them into the game I forsee the replayability of this game being very high. If your into party games or just trivia save yourself a trip to Buffalo Wild Wings and 100 bucks in beer money. Go buy this game. You will love it. That's my 2 cents.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

6Cents Video Game Podcast - Episode 003 - Massive Action, Sailor Moon, and a New President for Nintendo

*Music found on Galbadia Hotel, this site is awesome for old school game music!

Click Here for RSS Feed or to add to iTunes!!!

If the stories sound like they are old news... its because they are, so tough

In this episode, we talk about very important stuff, like Smoof's birthday and how
"Massive Action" sounds like a porno.

Microsoft News - Duke Nukem ... out Forever? 360 outselling PS3 again!

Sony News - The sad truth about non-retroactive trophies, and subscription fees
proposed for MAG.

Wii News - The girlfriend chimes in, and new DS information.

PC News - Sims 3, Steam, and Bejeweled, oh my.



Monday, October 6, 2008

Episode 3 - Behind Schedule

I just wanted to extend my deepest apologies to everyone out there, including the Autobots for being extremely late on posting our third episode of our podcast. I could give you excuses to save myself, but I won't because it would just be a waste of your time. I will try my hardest to post it as soon as possible.

We talked about in the podcast, but since its not up yet, I'll just tell you guys (and gals) now. Our SOCOM Beta contest is still going on. You have until... well, the beta should have been over by now, but it seems like its still going so what the hell, I'm still giving it away anyways. All YOU have to do is email me at Maverick.6Cents@gmail.com, telling me why you want the SOCOM beta key. It doesn't have to be long, just be creative. We will read the submissions on the next podcast and announce the winner. Good luck!

Again, sorry for being late. Please don't hate me :'(



Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New Nintendo DS!!!

It's the new Nintendo DS promised by the new president of Nintendo!!! You will find out who the new president by listening to the new podcast episode coming soon.