The 6Cents Crew went to go see Max Payne on opening night. Here is what we thought about it...
Going into the theater, I had high hopes that this would be the first video game movie that wouldn't suck. I was thinking to myself, "Its Max F'in Payne, you can't screw that up!" Well, I was semi wrong.
I've played through the first game, but never picked up the second, yet mostly everything that was going on in the movie seemed to be very confusing. I sympathize with the people that were there that night, who haven't played the game, because I understand if they had questioned looks on their faces. Not only was it confusing, but it seemed to be all over the place. This is pretty much the formula of the film: Introduce new character, cut to a flash back of Max Payne's past, then cut to a fly-by scene of the city, repeat. Very random.
Now, you might be asking, "but Maverick, what about the gunfights and bullet time, those had to have been good, right!?" Not quite. There was really only 2-3 scenes where Payne was fighting badies, but it seemed like they failed at this too. I thought that they were too quick and easy. The Bullet Time scenes were pretty good, but it's sad that only 5-8 seconds of Bullet Time were the best parts of the movie.
All I have to say is, go see it for yourself. Maybe I'm being too hard on the movie. There was definitely potential in there some where, and I kind of felt that this wasn't the final version the director wanted, but it is what it is. Oh, and please tell Ludacris to take acting classes, my god.
I give it 3 out of 5 cents.
Kind of hard to come up with a review when five minutes into the show Fringe, everyone's eyes start bleeding and some lady's head literally blows up! So anyways, Has there ever been a great video game to movie adaptation? With that in mind I saw the movie with no high expectations... okay maybe a little since I'm a fan of the games.
Oh how I loved diving in slow motion and all the gun fights in the game. The movie however, was lacking some of those basic elements from the game. I felt that there wasn't too much of a connection with Payne and all the other characters in the film just felt like kind of flat. You do get the idea that Payne is feeling emo because he's wife was murdered, but they don't really go into detail until the middle of the movie. I think they should have really showed his past in the beginning and then go on to scenes of him out looking for revenge!
Mila Kunis played Moana in the flick. Her character didn't seem too developed for the movie at all. She's here one second, gone another and comes back to look cute again. She was just better off speaking in Russian and shooting the whole time. That would look hotter. Her role was pretty significant in the second game. She was pretty much your hot ass side kick. The way this movie played went... they probably could have just left her out.
So in the end, I would have just liked more real gun fights if they're not going to develop the characters and story well. There were only really two gunfights in the movie. After this movie... maybe Hollywood should really stay away from video game to movie adaptations like kids should stay away from Michael Jackson.
2 out of 5 cents for Max Payne.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Max Payne - Our 2 Cents
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