Friday, October 10, 2008

Puzzles In Real Life

Have you ever wondered about puzzles in Resident Evil games? Don't get me wrong... they're fun and makes the game a bit unique. I mean... who the hell sets up puzzles to hide things or restrict access to areas in a mansion or a police station!? Can you imagine anyone doing this in real life? OMG I need a first aid kit, but I can't because it's locked in an indestructible see through enclosure. To unlock it I need to move statues, located on the other side of the building, onto pressure plates thus releasing the enclosure. Not to mention I need to navigate my way through hallways filled with puzzling traps.

Just imagine puzzles applied to everyday scenarios. Do you think this would be fun? I sure as hell don't think so. Especially if I need to solve a problem to get into the bathroom. Sometimes you just don't have the time to solve anything.

So I'm just curious what events in life do you think would be a bad time to have puzzles or good times to have them. Like maybe someone should have thrown a puzzle at Bush before he could wage war LOL! So please leave comments or email your ideas! I'd love to hear them.

1 comment:

DeadWeight said...

You know if I had to solve a puzzle every time I wanted to get in my fridge or pantry then I could lose that extra 20 lbs!