Thursday, November 27, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at 6cents! Hope you have a great holiday. We have a lot of game reviews in the works and we will have them up soon so check back often!


Thursday, November 20, 2008

More Star Wars in Soul Calibur IV?

Should there be more downloadable characters in Soul Calibur IV? Sure why the hell not. Scamco should live up to their name. They might as well milk the shit out of the Star Wars license. Yeah it would suck to be nickel and dimed to death. Maybe they should put out a package deal? Here are some guys I would like to see... at least from the good side. Maybe I'll post some later on what I would like to see from the dark side.

That's right.... General F'n Ackbar. I have no clue what his weapon would be. Maybe he would beat you with a swordfish? Bad pun, but whatever. Let's not forget that his taunt would have to have him scream... it's a trap! As for his critical finish... it could be like something where he's losing a fight with you, then screams "It's a trap!", then an x-wing falls on top of you!?

Ok, now you asking who's this ugly mofo. That right there is Plo mother ef'n Koon. I don't know what is so special about the guy, but he fights with a yellow orangey lightsabre. Who does that? Also... he's extremely ugly. I would not want to be anywhere near this guy. Even if he is part of the jedi council. For his critical finish... maybe big tentacles comes out of his face and eats you or he just eats you. Like I said... he is ugly.

Ahhh... it's Chewie groping you!!!! Ok... i just picked that picture cause it's funny looking. I would like to see him or just some crazy ass wookie warrior. I don't think fighting with a bow gun would be too fair in the Soul Calibur universe. I have no clue what he should fight with. Maybe a tree stump and let him be all primal and brutal! His critical finish move... no it will not be him groping you. How about he calls on his other fellow wookies and they just give you a primal beat down?

On a serious note... how about Shaak Ti. I think it would be nice to give some of the other Star Wars characters part of the spotlight for once. Her alternate costume could be Ahsoka Tano from the clone wars movie rather than a color palette swap. On a not so serious note, her critical finish could be her giving you a lap dance!

This is Serra Keto. I don't know if she's been in any comics or books on the expanded Star Wars universe, but I thought she was awesome in the Star Wars episode III game. Obviously from the picture she fought with dual light sabres. She easily could have replaced Shura in Soul Calibur 4, but they should give her her own moves. One of Cervantes moves would be him shooting his pistol at you from his sword. It looks retarded when Shura does it. Unless, they change it up to look like Serra uses the force or something.

So if Scamco decides to milk the license, I would like to see these guys. Runners up, I had Kyle Katarn, Aayla Secura, Cin Drallig, and Mace Windu, but Mace Windu would act like Samuel L. Jackson and would yell profanities at you the whole match. Stick around... I might put up a list of guys from the dark side Scamco should milk.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

It's a small world after all.

We here at 6cents have been so busy playing the plethora of new games that have come out this month we haven't been able to blog as much as we want. It's high time we did a review of some of these games we have been spending time with.

I got Little Big Planet a week later after it was released unfortunately. So I was a little behind, but found the LBP community to be generous and helpful. This is a cutesy feel-good game that just makes people friendlier I guess.
So to start off you, a brand new Sackboy is dropped into your pod which is your home. The big tutorial voice in the sky starts immediately in an begins to explain to you how LBP works. This is great because the pop-it menus, while very simple, can still be confusing at first. Most of the things you can do besides running and jumping are driven by the pop-it menu. So it is important to learn.
When you run through the levels you will pick up items you can use to dress your Sackboy (or girl) with and decorate your pod with. These items and stickers especially come in handy during play to unlock secret areas and items. It's incredibly fun to change the your Sackboy's clothes and look. You can change the material and color of yourSackboy and even slap a sticker right on his forehead. Make sure you stick a giant peacock feather to your friends head when you invite them over to your pod.
Which brings me to the co-op part of this game. You can invite your friends over to your pod and play the levels together, which is great because to get the really good stuff you will need more than one person. You will know these areas by the big X2 sign. Or X3 or X4. What? You don't have 4 friends to play LBP with you? That's okay. You can choose "Play Online" for any level and allow random new friends to join your game and help you out. That way you will never be alone. They can even play on levels you have created or other Little Big Planeteers have made.
LBP has a whole moon devoted just to you for making your own LBP levels how you see fit. If you are very creative this is where the replay value of the game will come in. This game comes with everything, and I mean everything you need to build your very own LBP level from scratch. At first it can be overwhelming but with the help of that kindly British tutorial voice gentleman you will be designing like a pro in no time.
This game is great for kids from 6 to 96. No matter what age you are I believe you will have fun playing LBP. I would give this game a solid A and that is my 2 cents.


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Smoof's Top 5 Fighter Revivals

Well... getting hyped up from Street Fighter, I decided to put up my top 5 games I'd like to see come back. After all, Namco is shooting back with Soul Calibur and Tekken, Midway with MKvsDC, Capcom with SFIV and SFIIHDR. It's nice to see this genre come back.

This was a fun title! This was probably Sega's answer to Super Smash Bros. I don't really have much to say about this since I did not own a Dreamcast or get this on XBL. All I know is that this was a great party mayhem title!

Many people might not have played or heard of this title. This hidden gem started on the ill fated Sega Saturn. The same people that brought you Virtua Fighter made this game.
Fighting Vipers played similar to Virtua Fighters, but brought some new things to the table. The arenas destructable walls and armor. It felt very satisfying blasting opponents though it. The big thing about this was that you destructable armor that made you more vulnerable once it was gone. Hmmm... sounds like Soul Calibur IV.

I almost didn't put this on the list because it's actually done or in development. Here's some pics. Well it's on here anyway because it needs to make it to U.S. soil and this game is long over due.

This is one of SNK's' better known fighting series. Japanese swordsmen, check. Kabuki fighter, check. Green goblin with Freddy Krueger claw!?, check. Although I don't think he's making a return. What more could you ask for?

Streetfighting classic horror monsters is what I would say to describe this. I just loved the idea of this and how more non-sensical it is compared to Street Fighter. Can't forget about Felicia and Morrigan in this game!!!

I still remember to this day that the arcade version annouced it was coming to the "Ultra 64", lol. I mean it was logical since it is the next step in progression from the "Super NES". 

Anyhow, what I loved about this game was the combo system and their crazy ideas for characters. Some people knocked on the auto combo system and their ridiculous high combo hits. I thought the combo system was great because it was easy to pull off and more friendly then say Street Fighter combos. (I suck at SF, but still love the series.) The combo system consisted of doing an opener -> auto double or manual -> combo linker -> auto double or manual -> combo finisher. Now for the high combo complaints... I think everyone loved Marvel vs. Capcom games. So, there's no reason to hate it.

I miss this the most because it's like a good easy mix of Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, and MvC. Rare... stop teasing everyone with your easter eggs of Killer Instinct related stuff in other games. If the could be released from Microsoft's clutches, it would be nice to see a revamped KI... on mulitplatforms. I think that's just wishful thinking though.


Monday, November 10, 2008

6Cents Video Game Podcast - Episode 006 - Bad Decisions, Movie Simulator, and WWII... Again

Click Here for RSS Feed or to add to iTunes!!!

Smoof makes more sound effects with his mouth. It's an art people.

Microsoft News - Intentional bricking, Snake Cameo, and Netflix Streaming

Sony News - Coming back Home, Sonwii, and No More Exclusives

Nintendo News - Skate It bro, and more Zombies

PC News - City of Heroes joins Apple, and WWII Beta



6Cents Video Game Podcast - Episode 005 - Handful of S***, Repitition, and Leprechauns

Click Here for RSS Feed or to add to iTunes!!!

Dead-Weight wants Leprechauns... 'nuff said.

Microsoft News - Zombie Ads, and Memory Upgrade Plan

Sony News - Firmware Updates and Biosucks

Nintendo News - Club What?

PC News - You got your Starcraft in my Diablo



Saturday, November 1, 2008

Call of Duty: World at War Beta Winner!

We have found a winner ladies and gentlemen!

Congratulations to Synyster_Craig for snagging the beta code for Call of Duty: World at War!
