Thursday, December 11, 2008


I hate your guts.



Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Piracy and You - A How To Guide on Letting Developers Know that DRM Suxorz

Apparently, DRM wasn't the savior for Spore, since it was rated the 'Most Pirated Game of 2008' at a staggering 1.7 Million downloads. A report from ShackNews shows the startling numbers...

  • Spore / 1,700,000 / Sept. 2008
  • The Sims 2 / 1,150,000 / Sept. 2004
  • Assassins Creed / 1,070,000 / Nov. 2007
  • Crysis / 940,000 / Nov. 2007
  • Command & Conquer 3 / 860,000 / Mar. 2007
  • Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare / 830,000 / Nov. 2007
  • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas / 740,000 / Jun. 2005
  • Fallout 3 / 645,000 / Oct. 2008
  • Far Cry 2 / 585,000 / Oct. 2008
  • Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 / 470,000 / Oct. 2008

  • Do you think this lets developers know that DRM is useless? Is it useless? I think the safest way to keep your game from being pirated, is to sell it through the Steam store. The game is bound to that user account (kinky) and boom, its secure. At least, I think it is... 

    What are your thoughts on this issue? Leave your replies in the comments!



    6Cents Review: Resistance 2

    Yes, this may be long overdue, but I figured that this can give us an opportunity to try out our game reviewing skills. 

    Maverick -  After beating Resistance 1 earlier in the year, I was eager to find out what was next for Nathan Hale. 

    The campaign (which I have yet to finish) seems to be pretty good so far. The weapons are just as unique as the first one, with some familiar re-appearances here in there. They also feel very well balanced. I like the fact that you can only carry 2 weapons at time, gives a survival type feel to it. I remember when I played Resistance 1, you had a slew of weapons to choose from, it got kind of overwhelming at times. Limiting yourself to only 2 gives you chance to strategize more.

    As far as the action goes in Resistance 2, what more could you ask for? The Chimera are pissed, and you can feel it. As soon as you get into your first mission, your introduced to 1. Your first huge ass mini boss, and 2. dozens of Chimera bastards ready to shove grenades up your hind quarters. And talk about 'huge ass mini boss', the scale is incredible. They remind me of "Shadow of the Colossus" type bosses. Now, are they particularly difficult to kill... eh? A couple rockets into their back, done. Just as long as you have good cover. Like I said, I haven't finished the game yet, so I could be wrong later.

    The story is... par. Some instances I got confused because either there was too much action going on, or I got too caught up in the moment to remember "why did we need to open this door again?" Other than that, its alright. Acting is good, pace is fine, lets move on.

    Online play was a blast! The 6Cents crew spent many o' hours running through the cooperative missions. I like how it has a WoW style of gameplay. You have your Tank, your Healer, and your AoE or Hunter-ish class. It really drives you into working as a team, which some games have lost sight of nowadays. Literally, if someone is not doing their job right, say goodbye to that run because the enemies will mop the floor with you. Straight up Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch were fun as well. Though I didn't like the fact that you could have "Unlimited" rounds. I remember being in a room for over an hour, and we were asking each other "If we were to leave now... do we still get XP?" The answer was no. I still wish there was a Online Coop Story Mode. I thought that was the original idea... but I guess not.

    The online interface (as far as friends and clans g0) needs to be noted as well. This is a feature that needs to be implemented in all PlayStation 3 games from here on in. It's very convenient to add friends into a 'Buddy' system, where you would invite your friends into a central location and all of you can jump from room to room without having to re-invite. It did have its issues. There is no warning that you are about to leave your buddies if you get too 'circle button' crazy and accidentally back out of the room. Annoying. 

    Resistance 2 is a great, must have title for anyone who owns a PS3. The campaign and online play will suck you in for hours upon hours of your time. With some minor annoyances, it was solid and lived up to the hype, personally.

    Rating Pass/Rent/Buy: Buy

    Dead-Weight: I don't personally care about the storyline. I kind of would like to know what happens to Nathan Hale but they removed the co-op feature for his story. Ghey! So I didn't even bother. 
    Competitive play is....meh. Mediocre at best.
    Where this game really shines is the online co-op. You get to play as 3 different classes for Specter Team and there is a whole story line for them that weaves in with Hale's. It would have been cool to see him once in awhile but it is still great none the less. I enjoy being able to upgrade each class and try out the new armor and weapons. Unfortunately during the latter levels it takes quite a bit to get the XP needed to attain the next rank. A double XP weekend would have been great a month ago. Also once you max out your character you no longer want to play that character so that you can work on the others. I doubt by the time I get a 3 up to max I will want to play it anymore. Still this is a very solid game and if you were a fan of the first one them you should pick it up. It will take you awhile to finish the all of the co-op story so I recommend a "Buy" on this one. That's my two cents.



    Sunday, December 7, 2008

    More Star Wars in SC4: Pt.2

    Last time I posted what good guys from the Star Wars universe I'd like to see as downloadable content for Soul Calibur. As I said last time... they should milk the license as long as they have it. Here's some guys I'd like to see from the dark side of the force.

    IG-100 Magna Guard

    It's a frickn' robot with an indestructible staff. Why the hell not have this guy in SC4. Scamco would most likely make the Magna Guard take on the characteristics of Kilik/Seung Mina. That would be the easier way out. Sure it probably wouldn't look like right with the movements of Kilik, but do you think Scamco would make a new moveset for the Magna Guard? At least the critical finish should be different. It should have another Magna Guard jump in and contort it's body to constrict the victom and the other one would do something fatal like... poke'm in the eye with the staff!

    Gamorrean Guard

    Ugh... another guard? Why? Because he's big, green, and a pig and resembles a fat orc. At this point I'm thinking that Namco should have done away with those guest anime characters and should have replaced them with characters from the Star Wars universe. This guy could have easily replaced Angol Fear and Ashlotte. His critical finish could have him for you into a rancor pit.


    If Yoda can be in SC4 then so can a Jawa. Yoda is a cheap bastard and is un-throwable in the game. So what do you do? Get another midget in the game. I'd imagine that his move set would have him jumping and flipping all over the place like Yoda. Why the hell not? For his critical finish I would like to see either a sandcrawler run over you or a bunch of jawas gang up on you and start scavenging.

    Asajj Ventress

    At this point you're probably thinking dang... 3 guys so far and no one using the force? Well here's Asajj Ventress. I think it would be pretty cool if she could someone how switch up styles from duel wielding two light sabres and combining them into a staff like Darth Maul's. In a sense... similar to how Ivy can switch her sword between a sword and whip state. As for her critical finish... not a damn clue. Maybe she grows an afro, a disco ball comes down, and both of you start dancing.

    Darth Talon

    I just picked her cause I thought she looked crazy cool. She's like a female stripper Darth Maul and I'm pretty sure if Namco brought her in, they would give her the gravity defying boobs treatment like Ivy.

    I'm sure some people were expecting big heavy hitters like Sidious or Dooku. I just wanted to give some other characters the light from the star wars universe. It be nice, but at the same not if Namco actually decided to milk the license. I don't think people would buy all these characters unless they gave a really good package deal. Judging by the crap dlc they have offered... they would rather rip you off. It would be nice if someone decided to make a decent fighting game with the star wars universe. Hopefully better then the abomination realeased long time ago, Masters of Teras Kasi. Whatever it was called.


    Saturday, December 6, 2008

    6Cents Video Game Podcast - Episode 007 - Second Life-Esque, Reviews, and Outtakes!

    Click Here for RSS Feed or to add to iTunes!!!

    Smoof and Dead-Weight pull a fast one on me.

    Microsoft News - New online store and New Xbox Experience

    Sony News - Ad Campaigns, Trophies, and Happy Birthday Sony

    Nintendo News - No DLC for GH, DSi System on Top

    PC News - Valve Deal, WOTLK, and Left4Dead Impressions



    Tuesday, December 2, 2008

    What is the 6Cents Crew Playing?

    Maverick - Lately, I've been playing the recently released Super Street Fighter 2 HD Remix Ultra Mega Limited Edition Collectors Set. Yes, I added a couple extra words, so what!? It's pretty fun, but I can't get over the fact that the character models just don't look like their old counterparts. They look too... Flashy. And what the fuck is up with T-Hawk being so damn hard?!

    I also purchased the 2 Pack Cymbals for Rock Band, and let me tell you, it makes the game 10x funner! Its just something about having the cymbals that makes playing the fake drums feel natural.

    On the PC side of things, Fallout 3 has consumed my life. That game is ridiculously good it blows my mind. I haven't been following the main quest, and I've already clocked in about 60+ hours. Good luck trying to pry me off of this one.

    The last game that I have been playing is Patapon on the PSP. One word can some this up... addictive. Who would have thought that a RPG Rhythm game would be so much fun.

    Dead-Weight - I try to work in a little Resistance 2 everyday so that I can get enough xp to upgrade my guys in co-op mode. I know the maps by heart now but it stays fresh by only letting you play a few parts of the level per session.

    I recieved the new Spider-man game from Gamefly and I have to say that it is pretty spectacular. It's not as realistic as the latest movie versions, but I feel they needed to move away from that anyway. The combat is amazing on the ground, air and even on the side of a building. You can even change back and forth from original costume to black symbiote at your leisure!

    I bought Mirror's Edge the other day and I find it lives up to the hype. The story is original and exciting. The gameplay really gets my heart pounding. I have trouble with the combat, but that is probably just my timing. The Parkour, as they call it, is fantastic! Climbing, jumping, and running as fast as you can over the rooftops is as fun as it gets. You have to check this one out!

    Smoof - OMGWTFBBQ! Right now is a very good time to be a gamer and a very bad time to be broke. There is a diarrhea of games that are exploding on to the streets this holiday season. I can hardly contain myself. All I have left in my wallet now are 2 cents for all of y'all with only some of the games I have aquired.

    I think my collection just started to grow with Socom back in September. That was just the start. Since then, I have bought Inifinite Undiscovery, Little Big Planet, Pixel Junk Eden, Burnout Paradise, Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway, Armored Core: For Answer, Fallout 3, Titan's Quest/Immortal Throne, and Left 4 Dead. Luckily most of them I was able to get them cheaper with the holiday discounts going on.

    I've mostly been concentrating on Left 4 Dead, Titan's Quest, and Fallout 3. Everynow and then I'll throw in a little bit of Resistance 2. I have to thank Gamefly for such a better/cheaper service than Blockbuster... otherwise I'd have to be mugging people for my video game addiction.

    Despite the price tag and content of Left 4 Dead, I can not tell you how much fun I am having with it. I think it has sort of rekindled my interests in FPS games. I'm not really too big on FPSs unless it's from Valve. Every other shooter just seems a lil generic to me. (I'm a valve fanboy.) Sure maybe it's a little linear, but this is really what a co-op game should really be. This really makes you feel like a real team and stuck in a zombie apocalypse. The whole atmosphere of this game just really makes you act on instinct and fear rather then skill! LOL. Also I have picked up the Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks in case of a Zombie Apocalypse ever occurs.

    People who can not wait for Diablo 3, I suggest Titan's Quest. This is such a good Diablo clone. Please put down Diable 2 and play this. Move on... D2 is old =P. This is also good game for me to listen to my backlog of other podcasts to catch on some news or think of some other posts. Yeah I haven't posted much, but I'll get on it... I promise.