Tuesday, December 9, 2008

6Cents Review: Resistance 2

Yes, this may be long overdue, but I figured that this can give us an opportunity to try out our game reviewing skills. 

Maverick -  After beating Resistance 1 earlier in the year, I was eager to find out what was next for Nathan Hale. 

The campaign (which I have yet to finish) seems to be pretty good so far. The weapons are just as unique as the first one, with some familiar re-appearances here in there. They also feel very well balanced. I like the fact that you can only carry 2 weapons at time, gives a survival type feel to it. I remember when I played Resistance 1, you had a slew of weapons to choose from, it got kind of overwhelming at times. Limiting yourself to only 2 gives you chance to strategize more.

As far as the action goes in Resistance 2, what more could you ask for? The Chimera are pissed, and you can feel it. As soon as you get into your first mission, your introduced to 1. Your first huge ass mini boss, and 2. dozens of Chimera bastards ready to shove grenades up your hind quarters. And talk about 'huge ass mini boss', the scale is incredible. They remind me of "Shadow of the Colossus" type bosses. Now, are they particularly difficult to kill... eh? A couple rockets into their back, done. Just as long as you have good cover. Like I said, I haven't finished the game yet, so I could be wrong later.

The story is... par. Some instances I got confused because either there was too much action going on, or I got too caught up in the moment to remember "why did we need to open this door again?" Other than that, its alright. Acting is good, pace is fine, lets move on.

Online play was a blast! The 6Cents crew spent many o' hours running through the cooperative missions. I like how it has a WoW style of gameplay. You have your Tank, your Healer, and your AoE or Hunter-ish class. It really drives you into working as a team, which some games have lost sight of nowadays. Literally, if someone is not doing their job right, say goodbye to that run because the enemies will mop the floor with you. Straight up Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch were fun as well. Though I didn't like the fact that you could have "Unlimited" rounds. I remember being in a room for over an hour, and we were asking each other "If we were to leave now... do we still get XP?" The answer was no. I still wish there was a Online Coop Story Mode. I thought that was the original idea... but I guess not.

The online interface (as far as friends and clans g0) needs to be noted as well. This is a feature that needs to be implemented in all PlayStation 3 games from here on in. It's very convenient to add friends into a 'Buddy' system, where you would invite your friends into a central location and all of you can jump from room to room without having to re-invite. It did have its issues. There is no warning that you are about to leave your buddies if you get too 'circle button' crazy and accidentally back out of the room. Annoying. 

Resistance 2 is a great, must have title for anyone who owns a PS3. The campaign and online play will suck you in for hours upon hours of your time. With some minor annoyances, it was solid and lived up to the hype, personally.

Rating Pass/Rent/Buy: Buy

Dead-Weight: I don't personally care about the storyline. I kind of would like to know what happens to Nathan Hale but they removed the co-op feature for his story. Ghey! So I didn't even bother. 
Competitive play is....meh. Mediocre at best.
Where this game really shines is the online co-op. You get to play as 3 different classes for Specter Team and there is a whole story line for them that weaves in with Hale's. It would have been cool to see him once in awhile but it is still great none the less. I enjoy being able to upgrade each class and try out the new armor and weapons. Unfortunately during the latter levels it takes quite a bit to get the XP needed to attain the next rank. A double XP weekend would have been great a month ago. Also once you max out your character you no longer want to play that character so that you can work on the others. I doubt by the time I get a 3 up to max I will want to play it anymore. Still this is a very solid game and if you were a fan of the first one them you should pick it up. It will take you awhile to finish the all of the co-op story so I recommend a "Buy" on this one. That's my two cents.


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