Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What is the 6Cents Crew Playing?

Maverick - Lately, I've been playing the recently released Super Street Fighter 2 HD Remix Ultra Mega Limited Edition Collectors Set. Yes, I added a couple extra words, so what!? It's pretty fun, but I can't get over the fact that the character models just don't look like their old counterparts. They look too... Flashy. And what the fuck is up with T-Hawk being so damn hard?!

I also purchased the 2 Pack Cymbals for Rock Band, and let me tell you, it makes the game 10x funner! Its just something about having the cymbals that makes playing the fake drums feel natural.

On the PC side of things, Fallout 3 has consumed my life. That game is ridiculously good it blows my mind. I haven't been following the main quest, and I've already clocked in about 60+ hours. Good luck trying to pry me off of this one.

The last game that I have been playing is Patapon on the PSP. One word can some this up... addictive. Who would have thought that a RPG Rhythm game would be so much fun.

Dead-Weight - I try to work in a little Resistance 2 everyday so that I can get enough xp to upgrade my guys in co-op mode. I know the maps by heart now but it stays fresh by only letting you play a few parts of the level per session.

I recieved the new Spider-man game from Gamefly and I have to say that it is pretty spectacular. It's not as realistic as the latest movie versions, but I feel they needed to move away from that anyway. The combat is amazing on the ground, air and even on the side of a building. You can even change back and forth from original costume to black symbiote at your leisure!

I bought Mirror's Edge the other day and I find it lives up to the hype. The story is original and exciting. The gameplay really gets my heart pounding. I have trouble with the combat, but that is probably just my timing. The Parkour, as they call it, is fantastic! Climbing, jumping, and running as fast as you can over the rooftops is as fun as it gets. You have to check this one out!

Smoof - OMGWTFBBQ! Right now is a very good time to be a gamer and a very bad time to be broke. There is a diarrhea of games that are exploding on to the streets this holiday season. I can hardly contain myself. All I have left in my wallet now are 2 cents for all of y'all with only some of the games I have aquired.

I think my collection just started to grow with Socom back in September. That was just the start. Since then, I have bought Inifinite Undiscovery, Little Big Planet, Pixel Junk Eden, Burnout Paradise, Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway, Armored Core: For Answer, Fallout 3, Titan's Quest/Immortal Throne, and Left 4 Dead. Luckily most of them I was able to get them cheaper with the holiday discounts going on.

I've mostly been concentrating on Left 4 Dead, Titan's Quest, and Fallout 3. Everynow and then I'll throw in a little bit of Resistance 2. I have to thank Gamefly for such a better/cheaper service than Blockbuster... otherwise I'd have to be mugging people for my video game addiction.

Despite the price tag and content of Left 4 Dead, I can not tell you how much fun I am having with it. I think it has sort of rekindled my interests in FPS games. I'm not really too big on FPSs unless it's from Valve. Every other shooter just seems a lil generic to me. (I'm a valve fanboy.) Sure maybe it's a little linear, but this is really what a co-op game should really be. This really makes you feel like a real team and stuck in a zombie apocalypse. The whole atmosphere of this game just really makes you act on instinct and fear rather then skill! LOL. Also I have picked up the Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks in case of a Zombie Apocalypse ever occurs.

People who can not wait for Diablo 3, I suggest Titan's Quest. This is such a good Diablo clone. Please put down Diable 2 and play this. Move on... D2 is old =P. This is also good game for me to listen to my backlog of other podcasts to catch on some news or think of some other posts. Yeah I haven't posted much, but I'll get on it... I promise.

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