Yeah holy shit, but I'm pretty sure you saw this coming if you were following Capcom this past year. Capcom aquired the license for marvel and MvC2 was on the ESRB rating. These were pretty damn big hints that it was coming back. I'm sure the whole Street Fighter scene helped fuel the hunger for this as well and we can't forget about Tatsunoko Vs Capcom either. I'm pretty sure Capcom is gonna use the engine from that game and make another MvC game.
So anyhow... it is confirmed that Marvel Vs Capcom 2 is coming back. Kotaku has some details on it. Too lazy to click on the hyerlink? Here's the details Fat Bastard Style!
That's all the details out for now. Apparently there will be a demo out by the end of April for PSN. No word yet on XBL, but it will probably be the same.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Marvel VS Capcom 2 Confirmed!!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Fat Bastard Preview: Batman Arkham Asylum
I'm Batman! This is a small hands on preview of the demo I got to play. No bullets this time cause there wasn't enough things to list to look right.
I was at the local Walmart looking for some things for my game streaming/recording rig. Then I saw this! The demo consisted of only two challange rooms. One easy and one hard. It was unfortunate that there wasn't any real gameplay. It basically just puts you in a room with a bunch of guys and you have to beat them senselessly. Not that it's a bad thing, but you don't get to play with all the crazy gadgets Batman has that was hyped up from other previews. I was really hoping to fly around and then snap people's necks or make a wall explode from explosive foam.
The basic combat from the demo consists of using three buttons. They were punch, cape stun, counter, and block. Fighting was pretty easy, but fun. At least to me. After you beat down one guy and press the punch button again, you automatically zip to the nearest enemy and proceed with more beatings. When the enemy gets this weird spider sense tingling motion, you press the counter button and then... you counter! Cape stun just seems kinda silly, but it helps. You just hit them with it and then it opens them up to be hit.
Unfortunatly, that's all there was to the demo. It was just the same room, but with different difficulty settings. I just wished they brought more to the table to really tease the game.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Left 4 Dead DLC - First Impressions
Smoof: I was pretty darn excited about it and you know what... it was fun for about 5 minutes. This seems like a faster paced nazi-zombie mode from COD 5, but requiring more strategy. You just receive wave of zombies and the special zombies. Those seems to be the biggest issue in trying to survive. I think I'd rather deal with 3 tanks then 3 smokers. They seemed to be the biggest issue in trapping everyone. Other then that... my real thoughts on anything with horde modes are pretty meh if there isn't anything rewarding. This maybe a horrible example, but with Dynasty Warriors... I love it because there is a sense of purpse, items you can get, and can level up things. I would enjoy Survival mode if there was things you can aquire as rewards or a equipment load out screen, but this would probably change the complexity of the game completly and wouldn't feel so L4D anymore.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
I WANTED a better game, but...
...all I got was this boring piece of trash. YAWN. I had high hopes for this one seeing how I loved the comic and the movie was pretty good. It seemed like they put some good thought into the story line of the game but shitty graphics, cut-scenes and gameplay ruined it. They would have done better making this into a low budget straight to DVD sequel. They probably would have made more money.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Patapon 2 Going UMD-less?
Sunday, April 12, 2009
6Cents Video Game Podcast - Episode 10 - March Madness
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Information is pretty dated in this one (March 14 dated), but is still awesome. In this podcast we talk about Wii Fit beating out Halo 3, gaming length, and video game violence. Also, Smoof has a british accent.