The 6Cents Crew got to try their hands at the new Survival Mode for the recently released Left 4 Dead DLC. Here are our reactions:
Maverick: (sigh). Personally, I was expecting some more maps or added difficulty/content to the campaign portion of the game when the DLC was announced, but instead I get this. With all the games out there today that have a "Horde" mode attached to it, I believed that Valve wouldn't go down the same path. Unfortunately, last night proved that wrong. With an insanely difficult level ramp and no guidance to the play through of the game, we were pretty much running around with our heads cut off. After replaying one of the stages a good 10-12 times, we decided to call it quits for now. I know what your saying, "It's becuz yooz guuys are hella NOOBZ!" That may be the case, but that doesn't stop the fact that the mode shows you no mercy whatsoever. But, maybe that's the point. Maybe Valve wants to push you to the limits, make you think as a team better, come up with solid strategies. Or maybe they just want to rape you in the ass rapidly with no lubrication. In any case, this is not the end of Survival Mode for me. I look forward to beating 4 minutes. In the meantime, I'll just keep thinking about a day when I can live out my fantasy of killing zombies in a huge mall.
Dead-Weight: Meh. It's okay. I liked the new lighthouse level. It was a cool addition, but I am not the horde mode type. I like playing the original game better. I too was hoping for some new levels to play in regular mode, but alas it was not to be. I still really love this game and if they don't abandon it I think they can still come out with new levels. The horde mode is a little bit too hard. Maybe replacing the tanks with witches would make it more fun for me. I dunno. I agree with Mav about the mall level though.
Smoof: I was pretty darn excited about it and you know what... it was fun for about 5 minutes. This seems like a faster paced nazi-zombie mode from COD 5, but requiring more strategy. You just receive wave of zombies and the special zombies. Those seems to be the biggest issue in trying to survive. I think I'd rather deal with 3 tanks then 3 smokers. They seemed to be the biggest issue in trapping everyone. Other then that... my real thoughts on anything with horde modes are pretty meh if there isn't anything rewarding. This maybe a horrible example, but with Dynasty Warriors... I love it because there is a sense of purpse, items you can get, and can level up things. I would enjoy Survival mode if there was things you can aquire as rewards or a equipment load out screen, but this would probably change the complexity of the game completly and wouldn't feel so L4D anymore.
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