Saturday, April 18, 2009

I WANTED a better game, but...

...all I got was this boring piece of trash. YAWN. I had high hopes for this one seeing how I loved the comic and the movie was pretty good. It seemed like they put some good thought into the story line of the game but shitty graphics, cut-scenes and gameplay ruined it. They would have done better making this into a low budget straight to DVD sequel. They probably would have made more money.

Was there anything good about the game, you ask? What about bending bullets? Yeah, cool for the first couple of times then it gets old. The cover system was inventive but sometimes clunky. I didn't understand why I had to run and hide behind cover because some deuchebag had a riot shield to hide behind. If I was such a super assassin I should have been able to zip up behind him and shove that shield straight up his ass. Why in God's name do I have to shoot baddies from a rooftop while some bitch hides and waits for me to do all the work. She's an assassin too. What? Is her gun in the shop? The coolest thing about the game is supposed to be the suit the Wesley's dad wore and bequeathed to him, but I never saw it. I couldn't stomach playing the game long enough to get it.
I am interested in how the story ends...well the middle part too since I didn't get much past the beginning, but I don't want to suffer through just to find out. If anyone wants to post a spoiler about it be my guest. Anyway, I give this one a D- and just stay away from it unless you have a tattoo of Wesley on your ass.

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