Sunday, March 15, 2009

6Cents Video Game Podcast - Episode 9 - The Reunion

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Our first episode of 2009, We have been gone for quite some time, but we are finally back!

In this episode, we talk about PSP2, Killzone 2, and Video Game Scores.

1 comment:

Deso51 said...

Well, if you ask me, it's all about marketing. When Halo 2 was coming out. There were lots of commercials, no matter what the channel, it was always on from cooking shows to women talk shows. It was always on, every commercial break, and that's why i think it sold like hot cakes. Sequel or not, marketing make sales a bit or a lot of money.

when killzone 2 and mgs 4 was coming out there were commercials, it just wasn't running on every channel like halo 2. As for mgs, they didn't need much commercials cause everyone who played it, knew its was going to be great, cause of the previous games.

Assassin's Creed was good imo. Again, if you ask me, the first game is always a trial run, to see how many people like it/hate it, and fix or make better on what they did on the last game.

I have both psp and a ds. As always this is my opinion. The umd movies were crap, i have to agree with that. Psp is good for single playing games like god of war chain of olympias. But for ds, if you have a friend(s) that play ds and plays on wi-fi (like mario kart) then i would probably recommend it. And it also depends on what the player grew up on.

As for additional things. A forum would be nice. But a forum does take up some to alot of work (trolls and flammers). 30 min pod is nice, guest would be nice once in a while, not every episode. Otherwise you be calling it 6Cents
plus guest or something.

And as always great podcast.