Thursday, March 5, 2009

XBOX Live Conspiracy

ZOMG! Everyone’s money for Live Gold is going towards a robot army for Bill Gates bent on world domination! Okay… that might be a little too far fetched or is it? Microsoft might be the only company financially capable of doing so. Here’s my real conspiracy theory for XBOX Live. I am thinking that Microsoft might actually be lowering their membership fee. Maybe an announcement will be held at E3.

If you’re a cheap ass gamer, you probably get your membership through amazon or ebay. They usually run for about $45. Hey times are harsh in today’s economy. Every dollar counts! Lately for the past couple of months, several major retailers have been selling the yearly membership for $30. That’s $20 less than the msrp. It’s really heard to pass up if you do subscribe to gold and your membership is about to run out. In the past, amazon has sold those cards for $30, but there has never been major retailers selling those cards cheap back to back for this long.

Joystiq has recently written an article about the XBOX Live Marketplace running a promo offering gold memberships for $40. I have not noticed the ads myself on the marketplace because I usually do not pay attention to the ads. The article also states that there has not been a time limit on the promo.

I personally think it would be a smart idea for them to lower it. Everybody wins if they do. Consumers get to subscribe cheaper and Microsoft will probably win more customers. I am an XBOX 360 owner for a little over a year now, but did not ever buy the gold membership until last month. I have always been under the old school pc mentality of you shouldn’t have to pay to play online, except of course MMOs. With the deals that have been going on… I simply could not pass it up.

Also, there might be a slight chance that Microsoft is getting scared of Sony. Sure Sony still has not got a hold of this generation of gaming like they did with the PS2 and the Playstation Network infrastructure might not be the greatest. Well… you know what? It’s FREE and it works. Microsoft doesn’t seem to have much to offer this year compared to the PS3, but they still haven’t announced much of anything. I think I’ll save that topic for another time…


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