Monday, March 16, 2009

After the Fact DLC Movement

Seems like a lot of people have been putting down Capcom for releasing DLC that should have been on the disc before launch. Street Fighter IV with costumes and the soon to be released Resident Evil 5 Versus online mode.

What are my thoughts about this sudden impact on DLC madness? I'm on the fence.

As far as Street Fighter goes, yes I can see the argument where the specific types of costumes could already be on the disc, and really your just paying to unlock them. But, on the other hand haven't you purchased Soul Calibur costumes packs without saying anything? I know I have. At the time, I just thought that it was a cool way to add more design to my custom character.

Same thing goes with the Online Mode for Resident Evil 5. People may think that Capcom believed that this "new" mode can be left out of the final version on purpose to make profit. Valid. But, Capcom has a good point. A quote from Christian Svensson on Destructoid said "Prior to the announcement of the Versus mode, no one complained they weren't getting their money's worth with the initial release because it packs TONS of value because it is an amazing game. So if people were already satisfied with what the package had, when we offer MORE, why is it people feel they've been somehow cheated? If you don't find value in our secondary offerings, the choice is simple, don't purchase it. If you do find it valueable (and we hope you do) please do buy it and enjoy it."

It makes sense. I didn't see one comment discussing the lack of content that was going to be in the game. Maybe more towards racism and a non-expansive control scheme. If we didn't know about it, why complain now? No one is forcing a gun to your head saying "Buy this DLC or else we'll shoot..."

Or maybe this is the problem. Capcom may be starting a revolution here. Not like a North defeating the South revolution, more like Nazis starting WWIII, revolution. If Capcom keeps up with this sudden trend, who's to say other developers won't follow? Maybe when you buy the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, you'll only be able to use 2 guns with only 30 bullets and in order for you to acquire more ammo, you'll have to purchase the DLC for them. What if it got so crazy that the next time you want to play a demo, you'll have to pay for it! (Wait, we already do that)

As far as these issues go, you always have a choice. Buy it or don't but it. For Street Fighter on the PS3, Smoof and I trade packs with each other. One week I buy one, let him download it from me, the next week he buys one and lets me download it from him. No harm no foul. We get the DLC but for a reasonable trade. But it was something that we wanted. Sure we could have waited for a bundle, or even not buy them at all and continue unlocking new colors. But again, it was our choice.

All I'm saying is just be smart about it people. If you think that what Capcom is doing is wrong, don't buy the DLC. But, if you think that it was a legitimate move, give it a try.

What are your thoughts on this?

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