Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Street Fighter Fever!

Have you been bitten by the Street Fighter bug yet? I know it has for me, and I'm glad that it did. Street Fighter IV (released on February 9th) has been a smash hit, selling over 2 Million copies worldwide. With good reason, this is the first Street Fighter in 10 years.

Every night, I get in about 7-10 matches before going to bed, its that addicting. Smoof and I usually spar online, trying to 1 up each other. Then afterwards, we talk in-depth about the characters we chose, why we lost and how we can be better next time.

Its strange how a fighting game can bring large amounts of people together. From,, and so on, the rush of Street Fighter news, tournaments, and trash talk is overwhelming!

If you haven't picked this game up yet, or not sure if you can get back into a fighter, make sure you rush out to your local game store and plop down the doe for this one. You won't regret it. If you don't, come over to my house so I can flash kick you in the face. <3


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