Friday, September 26, 2008

Personal Shoutout - ThePoopMeister

Super mega thanks to ThePoopMeister for hooking me up with a key to the much anticipated game, LittleBigPlanet. That's right, I said it, LittleBigPlanet.

ThePoopMeister, your awesome!



The Last Starfighter

I know what you are thinking. I do. I'm psychic. You're thinking, "Umm DW? Super Stardust HD has been out for awhile now. Why are you blogging about it now?" Well Mav was kind enough to let me download it from his profile and I just started playing it a week ago. So eat my shorts. Let's point out something that is also painfully obvious so we can just get it out of the way. This game is basically Asteroids. It's updated sure. Lil bit fancier. Better graphics definitely, but still Asteroids all the same. And that's okay, because I like asteroids. I am sure there are some of you old timers out there that liked it too. If you didn't play it back in the day like me then you'll still like this one. Very simple shoot 'em up. You fly around the planet in orbit and blow up asteroids and aliens. The twist is there are 3 kinds of asteroids and 3 kind of weapons. Rock, gold and ice. You also get some bombs that will destroy everything within a certain radius and a boost ability that has to recharge but is otherwise infinite.
I am so frakkin addicted to this game I can't put it down. There is even co-op game play! If you are the casual gamer or a hard core guy that needs something to do between new releases then check this one out. I am getting pretty good at it so maybe we will put up high score challenge for y'all in the near future. I don't think you will be able to beat me though, but that's just my 2 cents.


Thursday, September 25, 2008

We Are Going Places

I just got the confirmation email today.


More details to come, but in a couple of hours you should be able to search for our names straight from the iTunes Store.

You can't believe how excited I am right now. I'd just like to congratulate everyone here at 6Cents, we did it guys, we did it!



Non-Retroactive Trophies/Nerd Cups - Does It Really Matter?

Alright, as all of you should know by now, I am a Trophy/Achievement whore. I love them so much that if there was a Trophy given out for having sex with your PS3, I would probably attempt to earn it. But, if I already had sex with my PS3 and was told that the only way to get a trophy for having sex with your PS3, would be to have sex with it AGAIN, I would ... probably do it again, but it would still suck because that Blu-Ray DVD drive slot is pretty damn small... and a scab easily.

What I'm trying to get at is, non-retroactive Trophies really sting the community of gamers that have already busted their asses through that particular game. Case in point, Burnout Paradise. Today, Criterion released the much anticipated patch that would allow Trophy support for the PS3 version of the game. Much hype was put into this since the company stated that those Trophies would be retroactive. Off of Criterion's website, they explain that "Burnout Paradise saves are locked to your profile. We had hoped to use this to retroactively award trophies, but we discovered during testing that this is not possible." ...And you decided to tell us this... now? Why did they wait so long? It's like they just tried the patch out today and realized "Oh shit... um... Boss?! These Trophies we promised were going to be retroactive... well... there not" They had to have known this a while back before releasing the patch, why didn't they just tell us what's up? I would have taken the news a lot better if I knew this was going to happen.

But, I can't shit on Criterion too much. I mean, they did give us two awesome updates, Cagney and Bikes, FOR FREE. That was pretty bold of them. But, I just felt that I was lied to. Me, among other people, I think feel the same way. We put a lot, and I mean, A LOT of time into Burnout Paradise. I just don't think I could start from the beginning again and work my way up to where I am now, just for shiny Trophies. But, that's just me.

Oh well, maybe they were just kidding? Haha Criterion... good one... I hope... :'(

Sources: Joystiq, Criterion Games



Tuesday, September 23, 2008

6Cents Video Game Podcast - Episode 002 - Major Plugs, Pixelated Boobies, and Bigger is Better

*Music found on Galbadia Hotel, this site is awesome for old school game music!

Click Here for RSS Feed or to add to iTunes!!!

I have a giveaway this time around, Smoof talks RPGz, and Dead-Weight loves him some Co-op... and boobies... but then again, we all love boobies.

This episode the crew discuss gag orders (that's what she said), my fav Capcom and game critics.

Microsoft News - Party Games the norm?, Fall dashboard avatar ready, and Blu-Ray support.

Sony News - A butt-load of updates, better non-exclusive exclusives, and 8 Player fragtasticness.

Nintendo News - Wii Music.... and... um... VIEWER MAIL!

PC News - Fallout 3 changes the game and more downsizing (cries)

*** SUPER DUPER GIVEAWAY, listen to the whole podcast for details. Don't cut corners, nubzor***

Sorry this podcast is so late, but now you can stop crying, we're here now baby... we're here now.




This one is on us, pal. Have a good one!

-6Cents Crew


Tuesday, September 16, 2008


A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...I kicked some frackin' ass! W00t! Picked up my copy of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed today from Gamestop. I've been playing for a few hours and I thought I should take a break and give my review.

I have read some pretty poor reviews lately on this game and I was afraid to buy it. I find that video game critics are usually more spot on than movie critics, but this time I have to disagree with them. Although this game isn't perfect and has a few minor drawbacks that we can start out with. Hate to leave you with a bad taste in your mouth.

First of all I picked up the graphic novel because I am a huge fan of Star Wars so I know how the story begins and ends. So after a few hours of playing I know where I am in the game and it is close to the end. So the number one thing I don't like about the game is it's too short. Of course it was not unexpected so I'll live.

Secondly, which is not a huge deal because it happens to lot's of games, it was good for me and I still love you...wait, what? Nevermind. Number 2 the camera can be a bit of a bear at times. I spent a lot of time swinging the camera back and forth trying to find enemies. Luckily you can lock on to the baddies and a push of R3 will swing you immediately back to front.

Okay, now that we got that out of the way let me explain why I love this game. The story is incredible! I love it. If you saw the Clone Wars movie recently you might have been more than a little dissapointed by the childish story. If you were craving a something a little more grown up then you'll find it here. I do recommend getting either the novel or the graphic novel if you are huge fan.

The force powers in the game are fantastic and only get better as you move along. Your actual force powers are weak at first but then in a RPG fashion you will be able to upgrade them. However your lightsaber skills are 1337 from the beginning. You will get immense satisfaction out of tossing stormtroopers like ragdolls and picking TIE Fighters of the assembly line like apples, then flinging them just as easily.

Well I could go on and on like the retarded fan boy I am, but you should stop reading blogs and go impale somebody on the end of your lightsaber. There is a lot more to this game that I would like to get into, but you can check it out for yourself. So enjoy and that's my 2 cents.


6Cents Challenge #1 - PAIN Highest Score (Abusement Park) **CLOSED**

Alright ladies and gentlemen, here is a new series for us, its called the "6Cents Challenge". Here's the skinny. The 6Cents crew will post a video up every month (that's if we don't get lazy and forget) of a certain accomplishment that we do that we think none of you can achieve. If you can beat our challenge: record it, post it on youtube, and submit the link in the comments portion of that specific post. The person to beat the challenge with the best score by the end of the month will be featured on the website. Remember, your not just going after us, your going after the entire internets... who come to our website :D. Good luck to everyone!

Can you beat my awesome score?

Score to beat: 7,587,872

1. Record yourself beating the challenge
2. Upload the video to YouTube
3. Submit the link in the comments section of the post
4. Wait and see if you are victorious

UPDATE: I guess no one was able to beat my score, so I have closed the challenged. I rock.


GameFly and Me - A Journey into the Unknown

With the rest of the guys from 6Cents already having GameFly accounts, I thought that I should jump on the bandwagon.

From the nice man instant messaging me (big ups to Mike from GameFly), helping me through the process, to the wide selections of games to choose from, it seems good... so far. I opted to choose the "2 Games" rental at an introductory rate of $12.99 for the first month, and $22.99 there after. In the beginning, I was very hesitant to commit to this, since its not very cheap. But I put it into prospective, if I were to buy two games a month, that would cost me $120 (If I was rich bastard and purchased games new all the time). That's $1440 a year. Knowning that I can have two games out at time, for as long as I want, and I can send them back and get new games in its place, that $22.99 price really is worth every penny.

I will keep everyone posted on my adventures with GameFly as the weeks, or even months go on. So far my Q looks like this...

1. Assassin's Creed (PS3, I haven't played it yet, so shut up and don't judge me)
2. Skate (PS3, same as #1)
3. Disgaea 3 (PS3)
4. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PS3, I want the trophies)
5. Pure (PS3)
6. Dead Rising (X360, I never finished it... and I really have an urge to kill zombies)
7. Crackdown (X360)
8. Infinite Undiscovery (X360)
9. Legendary (PS3)
10. Fallout 3 (PS3)

What were your experiences with GameFly? Let us know in the comments!

- Maverick


LittleBigPlanet Release Date - Commence the Orgasm

Over at Evil Avatar, news of the LittleBigPlanet release date have popped up. Taken from the Sony Press Release, LBP will be coming out on October 21st in the US, and October 24th in Europe.

In the meantime you can watch Media Molecule's latest Sackboy/Girl video. Please try and hold back your tears of joy.



Saturday, September 13, 2008

Abusement Park

Got my first trophy for PS3 today! From the title I am sure that you can tell which game it was in. I got real excited but I can't even tell which trophy it was. If you have a PS3 and a credit card you should have this game.

The Abusement Park add on was released for Pain this week through PSN and is a refreshing change of scenery after playing the downtown level for weeks. I say weeks because the gameplay is so addictive you will spend hours at a time on one single objective. Abusement Park takes you to an indoor amusment park with about 8 different rides that you can demolish. The add on also gives you a couple more characters that you can use but of course you have to pay 99 cents to download them. Of course the same game play styles are there. A free play, the cumpulsary grab and toss and annoying yet freaky make up wearing entertainer, yadda yadda.

There are some differences other than the obvious change of scenery though. The Abusement Park has less object to start a chain reaction domino effect like in the Downtown area. Instead there are more ways to keep you character airborne and moving to keep destruction and pain going. Most rides move at a pretty good pace enabling you to be thrown from one area to another. There are lots of secrets to uncover in the park also. You can check out the trophy list in the menu to get some hints.

All and all it's a good addition to Pain that will keep you busy for hours trying to figure out how to activate the gaddam digress. Sorry. Yeah, so I highly recommend it.

- Dead-Weight


Thursday, September 11, 2008

MK vs DC Characters Revealed - I'm Confused?

Debate on the characters chosen for the new Mortal Kombat vs DC game. FIGHT!

Apparently, an Xbox360 website called compiled a list of all the characters that will be showing up to battle, from the achievements that were leaked.

I looked over the list, and it seems like a decent size, but... I don't know most of them. I understand the usual suspects that are obvious would be in the game, Sub-Zero, Batman, and so on, but DeathStroke? Who is that? Please, if your a DC fan, hit the link, look at the list, and explain to me who the hell these people are. Thanks.

Yes. I'm teh lamez.

List of MK vs DC Characters

Found on Kotaku



Who's Your Fav Company? - Capcom

I should just end the post right here, because I shouldn't have to explain myself why Capcom, to me, is the best gaming company out there. But, I might as well support my decision with some very strong examples.

Since the beginning, through my eyes, Capcom has always been on top of the gaming industry, spanning over multiple genres. From fast pace shooters/platformers like MegaMan to survival horror superstars like Resident Evil, the company has many "greatest hits" under their belt, and they just keep producing. I don't think that there was one time where I didn't like one of their games. It was something about the way they developed them that had me hook. Games nowadays only have an emphasis just on graphics, or just on the story, but Capcom made sure to make emphasis on all of it. Catchy music, stellar graphics, excellent gameplay, just pure awesomeness.
Along with all the success that they have had during all these years, they have given us many gaming icons. MegaMan, Ryu and Ken, Dante from Devil May Cry, the Umbrella team, jumping challenged Bionic Commando, the boxer with hearts on them wearing knight, Arthur from Ghost n' Goblins, you see where I'm getting at? Nuff said.

The future of Capcom seems to be getting brighter with their introductions into the next gen scene, and I am just as excited as you guys may be. Resident Evil 5, which comes out next year really displays the hard work and dedication to the artform that they love, which is making great games. But not to be shunned out, the much anticipated Street Fighter IV will sure to hadoken everyone in the face when it makes its ways onto the consoles. The more the years go on, the better it gets with them.

I don't know what else to say. I'd feel as if I were to just ramble on, you would get tired of hearing how much I heart Capcom, so I'll end it here. Now, if you excuse me, I have to fire up my Dreamcast and play some Power Stone.



Square Enix & Xbox 360

One thing for sure the 360 is missing are RPGs or decent ones anyways. More specifically... JRPGs. This fall and winter seems like the 360 is finally going to get some real RPGs. Square Enix might give me the reason to fire up the 360 again. Even if the games are bad lol.

Thanks to Square Enix, RPG madness will be starting with Infinite Undiscovery. That is a terrible name by the way. I wonder if things were lost in translation. It just does not make any sense to me, but I still need to get my hands on it!!! After that game, Star Ocean and The Last Remnant will be dropping on the 360 as well and eventually Final Fantasy XIII, but I'm going to support that game on the PS3.
I think these games show how deep Microsoft's pockets are and how much they are trying to reach other crowds and the Japanese Market. They are doing damn well in the states due to super high action crazy games like Halo 3, Gears of War, and Call of Duty 4. Notice a pattern? They are all shooters. Those games do great here in the U.S., but in the Japanese Market... it seems they have a different taste for other types of games. Maybe if they steampunked Master Chief, he has a girlfriend that gets kidnapped and killed, then seeks revenge only to find out that his former friend from the army killed her... maybe then it would appeal to the Japanese.
I really hope it was worth every penny Microsoft spent on Square Enix for the earlier mentioned titles. Infinite Undiscovery and Star Ocean were not announced at all until June or July. So I Hope SE had enough time to develop them properly. The Last Remnant was the only title that was known for a while and Microsoft only has a time exclusive for it. A side note for that game... the Europeans actually pissed and moaned for it to become available for the PC. So thanks to them, something decent will be coming to the PC and not another Sims contemporary furniture expansion set.
Maybe one of those unannounced Halo projects will be a JRPG! What if Microsoft actually convinced Square Enix or even Atlus to make it? Wouldn't that be amazing!? I personally would be sold if they gave Master Chief a steampunk make over... and a real name.

- Smoof


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

SOCOM: Confrontation Beta

I was lucky enough to snag a beta code from the local Gamestop. The code came on the back of a card that you had to scratch to reveal it. It was kind of like those scratch and win tickets from the gas station except I knew I already won.

Once I finally downloaded and installed the game, the first thing I did was customized my character. There's a character customization for two factions you can play as, commandos and mercenaries.

The only unique thing about the customization was what you can do to the head. The body and legs can only switch armor types between light, medium, and heavy. There's no styles to choose from like in Rainbow 6 Vegas.

The head portion however, has more features, You can pick a face to match your ethnicity, choose facial hair, have scars, and face paint. There's also the optional head gear you can choose from. They have beanies to hats to helmets and different eyewear.

There were some things that I noticed that were greyed out. They were not available until I started a clan. Once I made a clan, you can add a mic/headset and a mask. Think they were called baclava or something like that. It also seemed that additional helmets were available as well. I don't know at this point if you have to make a clan to get additional headgear. You might actually could just join a clan for it to be available. Otherwise, that wouldn't seem to fair.

Once I was finally done customizing, I decided to try to get in a match while the rest of the 6Cent crew was downloading the beta. Please keep in mind that this is in beta. There will be problems. It took me almost five minutes to join my first match. I though my PS3 froze while waiting. When I finally got in, the game felt pretty smooth. It didn't seem like I was experiencing any lag.

My first match went like this... headshot. owned, naded, headshot, owned and pwned. No. I was not doing that... that's how I was being killed. I had never played a multiplayer SOCOM game before and I have only played maybe half way through the first SOCOM game.

So I finally decided to open the options and see what the controls were like. Movement and firing were like any other FPS now a days, but everything else wasn't. Maybe I'm just too used to Call of Duty 4, but it took me a while to adjust to how you zoom or scope. To zoom in or out, you had to press up or down on the D-pad.

Two things I thought were unique was being able to switch views to the left or right side of over your shoulder and the SIXAXIS feature. If you are behind a wall, you can tilt the controller to peak around the corner of the wall.

So far, gameplay has been pretty fun... if you can get into a game. The rest of the experience seemed to be problematic, at least for me anyways. The problems I've had were long load times to join a match, sometimes I had to quit of the game because it took so long, and the friend invite seems to be broken or something. Me and the rest of the crew received invite notices, but then the message wasn't there when we looked.

I really hope all or most of these problems can be fixed by the time the game is released. Is this what we get for not paying for an online service? Hey, at least I'm still grateful for not having to pay to play online.

Stay tuned... we all will probably post our adventures in the beta.

- Smoof

UPDATE: It seems that Slant Six has been listening to our cries. This morning they released a patch (1.10) that corrects some of the issues that have been plaguing the beta for a couple of days, most noticeably "long loading times". I booted up my PS3 when I got home, welcomed by the patch, which I proceeded to download and install. I can say, first hand, that the patch really did the trick. Character customization still is kind of clunky, but getting into a game is quick (1-2 minutes) compared to the dreadful 7-15 minutes. I tip my hat off to Slant Six for making a prompt fix. Just remember kids, we are playing a beta, so this is expected.



Monday, September 8, 2008

6Cents Video Game Podcast - Episode 001 - Mic Issues, Fanboys, and Wii Bee Keeper

Welcome to our very first podcast!

Episode 001 - Mic Issues, Fanboys, and Wii Bee Keeper

*Awesome Music By: Simon Viklund - Bionic Commando Rearmed OST

Click Here for RSS Feed!!! (This took me forever, so do me a favor and click on it)

Smoof would like Wii Bee Keeper developed, Dead-Weight will be too busy having sex with his wife to worry about World of Warcraft, and I try to lose poundage on the Wii... result may vary.

On today's show we have a discussion on Mergers/Buyouts, are exclusives important nowadays, and games being made into movies.

Microsoft News - Price drops and the 360's Life Cycle

Sony News - Global LittleBigPlanet domination, which release will be on top, and Bluetooth Headsets

Nintendo News - Hawt AARP action, and crappy ports.

PC News - WoW Expansion release date, and we talk about the death of PC gaming.

Enjoy! KThxBai



Welcome to 6Cents Video Game Podcast: The Blog

Hello World!

On behalf of the 6Cents Crew (which is only 3 of us), I would like to say thank you for taking a look at our blog.

What is 6Cents? Well, its 3 Guys... putting in their 2 cents about video games. We talk about video game news across the board, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, and even PC, yes we said it, PC too.

We'll be posting our shows here until we can be accepted into iTunes, then you can get the podcast your own damn self... jk jk.

Also, If you want to hit us up, you have our permission...

Maverick -
Smoof -
Dead-Weight -

We hope to see you around more often!
