Thursday, September 11, 2008

Who's Your Fav Company? - Capcom

I should just end the post right here, because I shouldn't have to explain myself why Capcom, to me, is the best gaming company out there. But, I might as well support my decision with some very strong examples.

Since the beginning, through my eyes, Capcom has always been on top of the gaming industry, spanning over multiple genres. From fast pace shooters/platformers like MegaMan to survival horror superstars like Resident Evil, the company has many "greatest hits" under their belt, and they just keep producing. I don't think that there was one time where I didn't like one of their games. It was something about the way they developed them that had me hook. Games nowadays only have an emphasis just on graphics, or just on the story, but Capcom made sure to make emphasis on all of it. Catchy music, stellar graphics, excellent gameplay, just pure awesomeness.
Along with all the success that they have had during all these years, they have given us many gaming icons. MegaMan, Ryu and Ken, Dante from Devil May Cry, the Umbrella team, jumping challenged Bionic Commando, the boxer with hearts on them wearing knight, Arthur from Ghost n' Goblins, you see where I'm getting at? Nuff said.

The future of Capcom seems to be getting brighter with their introductions into the next gen scene, and I am just as excited as you guys may be. Resident Evil 5, which comes out next year really displays the hard work and dedication to the artform that they love, which is making great games. But not to be shunned out, the much anticipated Street Fighter IV will sure to hadoken everyone in the face when it makes its ways onto the consoles. The more the years go on, the better it gets with them.

I don't know what else to say. I'd feel as if I were to just ramble on, you would get tired of hearing how much I heart Capcom, so I'll end it here. Now, if you excuse me, I have to fire up my Dreamcast and play some Power Stone.


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