Thursday, September 11, 2008

Square Enix & Xbox 360

One thing for sure the 360 is missing are RPGs or decent ones anyways. More specifically... JRPGs. This fall and winter seems like the 360 is finally going to get some real RPGs. Square Enix might give me the reason to fire up the 360 again. Even if the games are bad lol.

Thanks to Square Enix, RPG madness will be starting with Infinite Undiscovery. That is a terrible name by the way. I wonder if things were lost in translation. It just does not make any sense to me, but I still need to get my hands on it!!! After that game, Star Ocean and The Last Remnant will be dropping on the 360 as well and eventually Final Fantasy XIII, but I'm going to support that game on the PS3.
I think these games show how deep Microsoft's pockets are and how much they are trying to reach other crowds and the Japanese Market. They are doing damn well in the states due to super high action crazy games like Halo 3, Gears of War, and Call of Duty 4. Notice a pattern? They are all shooters. Those games do great here in the U.S., but in the Japanese Market... it seems they have a different taste for other types of games. Maybe if they steampunked Master Chief, he has a girlfriend that gets kidnapped and killed, then seeks revenge only to find out that his former friend from the army killed her... maybe then it would appeal to the Japanese.
I really hope it was worth every penny Microsoft spent on Square Enix for the earlier mentioned titles. Infinite Undiscovery and Star Ocean were not announced at all until June or July. So I Hope SE had enough time to develop them properly. The Last Remnant was the only title that was known for a while and Microsoft only has a time exclusive for it. A side note for that game... the Europeans actually pissed and moaned for it to become available for the PC. So thanks to them, something decent will be coming to the PC and not another Sims contemporary furniture expansion set.
Maybe one of those unannounced Halo projects will be a JRPG! What if Microsoft actually convinced Square Enix or even Atlus to make it? Wouldn't that be amazing!? I personally would be sold if they gave Master Chief a steampunk make over... and a real name.

- Smoof

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