I know what you are thinking. I do. I'm psychic. You're thinking, "Umm DW? Super Stardust HD has been out for awhile now. Why are you blogging about it now?" Well Mav was kind enough to let me download it from his profile and I just started playing it a week ago. So eat my shorts. Let's point out something that is also painfully obvious so we can just get it out of the way. This game is basically Asteroids. It's updated sure. Lil bit fancier. Better graphics definitely, but still Asteroids all the same. And that's okay, because I like asteroids. I am sure there are some of you old timers out there that liked it too. If you didn't play it back in the day like me then you'll still like this one. Very simple shoot 'em up. You fly around the planet in orbit and blow up asteroids and aliens. The twist is there are 3 kinds of asteroids and 3 kind of weapons. Rock, gold and ice. You also get some bombs that will destroy everything within a certain radius and a boost ability that has to recharge but is otherwise infinite.
I am so frakkin addicted to this game I can't put it down. There is even co-op game play! If you are the casual gamer or a hard core guy that needs something to do between new releases then check this one out. I am getting pretty good at it so maybe we will put up high score challenge for y'all in the near future. I don't think you will be able to beat me though, but that's just my 2 cents.
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