Monday, September 8, 2008

6Cents Video Game Podcast - Episode 001 - Mic Issues, Fanboys, and Wii Bee Keeper

Welcome to our very first podcast!

Episode 001 - Mic Issues, Fanboys, and Wii Bee Keeper

*Awesome Music By: Simon Viklund - Bionic Commando Rearmed OST

Click Here for RSS Feed!!! (This took me forever, so do me a favor and click on it)

Smoof would like Wii Bee Keeper developed, Dead-Weight will be too busy having sex with his wife to worry about World of Warcraft, and I try to lose poundage on the Wii... result may vary.

On today's show we have a discussion on Mergers/Buyouts, are exclusives important nowadays, and games being made into movies.

Microsoft News - Price drops and the 360's Life Cycle

Sony News - Global LittleBigPlanet domination, which release will be on top, and Bluetooth Headsets

Nintendo News - Hawt AARP action, and crappy ports.

PC News - WoW Expansion release date, and we talk about the death of PC gaming.

Enjoy! KThxBai


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