Tuesday, September 23, 2008

6Cents Video Game Podcast - Episode 002 - Major Plugs, Pixelated Boobies, and Bigger is Better

*Music found on Galbadia Hotel, this site is awesome for old school game music!

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I have a giveaway this time around, Smoof talks RPGz, and Dead-Weight loves him some Co-op... and boobies... but then again, we all love boobies.

This episode the crew discuss gag orders (that's what she said), my fav Capcom and game critics.

Microsoft News - Party Games the norm?, Fall dashboard avatar ready, and Blu-Ray support.

Sony News - A butt-load of updates, better non-exclusive exclusives, and 8 Player fragtasticness.

Nintendo News - Wii Music.... and... um... VIEWER MAIL!

PC News - Fallout 3 changes the game and more downsizing (cries)

*** SUPER DUPER GIVEAWAY, listen to the whole podcast for details. Don't cut corners, nubzor***

Sorry this podcast is so late, but now you can stop crying, we're here now baby... we're here now.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wii + wii fit does not equal a ps3 because using the same money for just the ps3 (console only) will get you a wii and the game (wii fit). :)
