Thursday, September 25, 2008

Non-Retroactive Trophies/Nerd Cups - Does It Really Matter?

Alright, as all of you should know by now, I am a Trophy/Achievement whore. I love them so much that if there was a Trophy given out for having sex with your PS3, I would probably attempt to earn it. But, if I already had sex with my PS3 and was told that the only way to get a trophy for having sex with your PS3, would be to have sex with it AGAIN, I would ... probably do it again, but it would still suck because that Blu-Ray DVD drive slot is pretty damn small... and a scab easily.

What I'm trying to get at is, non-retroactive Trophies really sting the community of gamers that have already busted their asses through that particular game. Case in point, Burnout Paradise. Today, Criterion released the much anticipated patch that would allow Trophy support for the PS3 version of the game. Much hype was put into this since the company stated that those Trophies would be retroactive. Off of Criterion's website, they explain that "Burnout Paradise saves are locked to your profile. We had hoped to use this to retroactively award trophies, but we discovered during testing that this is not possible." ...And you decided to tell us this... now? Why did they wait so long? It's like they just tried the patch out today and realized "Oh shit... um... Boss?! These Trophies we promised were going to be retroactive... well... there not" They had to have known this a while back before releasing the patch, why didn't they just tell us what's up? I would have taken the news a lot better if I knew this was going to happen.

But, I can't shit on Criterion too much. I mean, they did give us two awesome updates, Cagney and Bikes, FOR FREE. That was pretty bold of them. But, I just felt that I was lied to. Me, among other people, I think feel the same way. We put a lot, and I mean, A LOT of time into Burnout Paradise. I just don't think I could start from the beginning again and work my way up to where I am now, just for shiny Trophies. But, that's just me.

Oh well, maybe they were just kidding? Haha Criterion... good one... I hope... :'(

Sources: Joystiq, Criterion Games


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