A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...I kicked some frackin' ass! W00t! Picked up my copy of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed today from Gamestop. I've been playing for a few hours and I thought I should take a break and give my review.
I have read some pretty poor reviews lately on this game and I was afraid to buy it. I find that video game critics are usually more spot on than movie critics, but this time I have to disagree with them. Although this game isn't perfect and has a few minor drawbacks that we can start out with. Hate to leave you with a bad taste in your mouth.
First of all I picked up the graphic novel because I am a huge fan of Star Wars so I know how the story begins and ends. So after a few hours of playing I know where I am in the game and it is close to the end. So the number one thing I don't like about the game is it's too short. Of course it was not unexpected so I'll live.
Secondly, which is not a huge deal because it happens to lot's of games, it was good for me and I still love you...wait, what? Nevermind. Number 2 the camera can be a bit of a bear at times. I spent a lot of time swinging the camera back and forth trying to find enemies. Luckily you can lock on to the baddies and a push of R3 will swing you immediately back to front.
Okay, now that we got that out of the way let me explain why I love this game. The story is incredible! I love it. If you saw the Clone Wars movie recently you might have been more than a little dissapointed by the childish story. If you were craving a something a little more grown up then you'll find it here. I do recommend getting either the novel or the graphic novel if you are huge fan.
The force powers in the game are fantastic and only get better as you move along. Your actual force powers are weak at first but then in a RPG fashion you will be able to upgrade them. However your lightsaber skills are 1337 from the beginning. You will get immense satisfaction out of tossing stormtroopers like ragdolls and picking TIE Fighters of the assembly line like apples, then flinging them just as easily.
Well I could go on and on like the retarded fan boy I am, but you should stop reading blogs and go impale somebody on the end of your lightsaber. There is a lot more to this game that I would like to get into, but you can check it out for yourself. So enjoy and that's my 2 cents.
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