Wednesday, August 5, 2009

6Cents Video Game Podcast - E3 Sony Coverage

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This is our coverage of the Sony press conference at E3 2009!


6Cents Video Game Podcast - E3 Microsoft Coverage

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This is our coverage of the Microsoft press conference at E3 2009!


Monday, July 27, 2009

Bringin' Down the House

I picked up Red Faction Guerilla from Gamefly recently. I really wasn't too excited about playing this one, but with all the fighting games flooding the market right now there wasn't anything else I wanted to play. It turned out better than expected though.

You play Mason who comes to Mars to mine shit. Well the baddies kill his brother and he gets wrapped up in a rebellion to free Mars from the Earth Defense Force. You basically become the Red Faction's lil bitch. Running around doing errands for them by yourself. If your lucky maybe you will be able to drive a raiding party and actually have some help in your missions. It's not all bad though. The more shit you stir up the more the local populous will join your cause and take up arms with you.
Sometimes it's better for you to be on your own. Your basic purpose in life is destroy everything the EDF owns. So it's easier to sneak into places by yourself. And when I say sneak I don't mean like Solid Snake. This game is not about stealth. The first time you set a charge the EDF will be on you like an angry hornets nest. You do a lot of running and gunning.
The missions are extremely repetitive and predictable but blowing shit up and taking down buildings with a sledgehammer never gets old. You might be able to finish the game just on that point alone. The weapons you can unlock are pretty cool too. And nothing beats driving a giant mining mech and plowing through a 2 story!
All in all not a bad game. If you're not into fighting games and are looking for some mindless destruction then pick this one up. It's not a BUY but it will keep you busy for a few days.


Monday, July 20, 2009

We Are Famous!!!

Smoof and I were able to attend EVO 2009 this year, and it was a blast! While walking around the event, we happen to catch Seth Killian. Smoof, being the wise gamer that he is, instead of asking a question about Street Fighter 4 (which everyone was doing, and what I'm guilty of continuing), he asks him the burning question: What is the Megaman 9 secret? Here was the response...

I guess people started to hear about the video, which ended up getting on GoNintendo and Kotaku!!! Holy shit!

Thank you to Smoof for his awesome question, Seth Killian for being the coolest guy at the event and spending time to not only answer the question (kind of) but to take pictures with us as well, and to Kotaku and GoNintendo for picking this video up! We at 6Cents appreciate the support!!!


Monday, June 22, 2009

Good Guys Wear Black...Leather Jackets

Since I am drunk on a Monday evening with nothing better to do, I thought it would be a good time to post a review of Prototype. This game has gotten some pretty mediocre reviews from other critics. Well I hate everything except for Captain Morgan's and the new Ghostbusters video game right now so don't expect much.

All in all it wasn't a bad game, but pretty much as far as the controls go it is a tuned up Hulk game. I guess there are worse things to be though. I did play Hulk Ultimate Destruction for hours on end just because it was fun to smash stuff. This game takes it to a new level however with way more combos and special attacks. You might not even unlock them all by the time you finish the game.
Speaking of which the game has a nice length to it that is not too long but you won't be finishing it one night. The story can be enticing at times but lackluster and slow at others. Upgrading your powers helps with those moments because they are pretty kick ass, I can't lie. Being able to grab somebody and consume them so that you can take over their identity is a rockin' power. You get their appearance, abilities and memories too. Eventually consuming a helicopter pilot will give the ability to hijack helicopters, when your not karate kicking them out of the sky!
In the end I guess it is fair to say that you will have to pick this one up and make up your own mind whether it's good or not. To me it's worth renting and playing for a couple of days just to find out. I like the game but don't plan on keeping it forever. Definitely a rent my friends.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

They Love Me...They Love Me NOT

One of the hottest games to come out this year and a PS3 exclusive is inFamous. You play Cole, a bike messenger turned super powered hero/villian after a package he tries to deliver explodes. The explosion kills thousand and destroys a good portion of Empire City. It also endows Cole with the power to store and manipulate electrical charges. Now it is up to you to decide how to use that power. Make good decisions and your electrical powers are blue and more precise. Make evil decisions and your power is red and more destructive. Most of the missions will essentially the same, but the NPC's will react differently to your decisions based on whether you good or evil. The are specific side missions that are only for good or evil. Do one in that are and the other gets locked out. Trying to do both at the same time is an exercise in futility. To reach your full good or evil potential you must go all the way in that direction which will take most of the game.

GOOD - Played by Dead-Weight
Staying on the good path will give your powers precision. Your friends will stick with you and your girlfriend will forgive you for killing thousands. This is typically the easier path to stay on because the more people you help the more they will love and defend you. Eventually normal citizens will pick up rocks and throw them at baddies to defend you. Cops will be more abundant and helpful when roaming areas of the city that are still overrun by gangs. At the end you will learn the truth of your powers and what your purpose is in the new order.

EVIL - Played by Maverick
If your feeling a little naughty, progressing through the story as evil will really test your willpower. I have never felt so shitty playing these types of games before. The first "evil" decision you get is to zap the people that are around you and take all the food for you and your friends to horde. How fucked up is that?! And it just gets worse. I really felt like a horrible person once I was done playing , and I have never felt that type of emotion before in a video game. Anyways, on to the powers. Every new power that you gain throughout the game become more destructive. You get more bombs, more electricity, more everything. Add in the fact that with those powers you can do more collateral damage, gives you the ability to destroy pretty much anything that gets in your way. Down side, since you are the most hated person in town everyone is out to get you, the baddies AND the citizens. Instead of the citizens throwing rocks and the bad guys, they throw rocks at you! Not only that, they also come up and punch/kick you. Fortunately for you, your bad, so one zap will take care of them (evil laugh). You pretty much get the idea from here, everyone hates you, your powers are crazy destructive, and you end up not giving a shit about anyone.

This game keeps me on the edge of my seat. It's exciting and fun. Being able to fry people, blow up cars, grind powers lines and summon a ferocious lightening storm out of thin air is awesome. Climbing on almost anything like Spider-man is pretty great too. This game plays a lot like the Spider-man games as a matter of fact. If you liked those you will definitely like this one. I would say that this one would be a rent though. It has a high replayability but only once to see the other side of the story that you miss the first time around. The game's length is decent enough though if you don't play it everyday you might have to purchase it.


Monday, June 1, 2009

6Cents E3 Coverage Live!

This is our first live coverage test. We should be able to have it open for the Ubisoft press event, and for tomorrow's Nintendo and Sony press event. Let us know what you think in the comment!


6Cents E3 Coverage via Twitter!

Want to follow the latest, breaking news from the big 3 companies from E3? Well, you're in luck! Follow the 6CentsVGP Twitter page for the up-to-date info!

**Disclaimer. I will try my hardest to make sure everything is minute by minute information. I'm going to be at work while I try and do this, so bare with me. 

Stay tuned tomorrow for Nintendo and Sony's press conference.


Sunday, May 24, 2009


Been meaning to sit down and give my review of the latest game about the Ol' Canucklehead, but I haven't had time with playing the game so much. I love Wolverine. He is one of my favorite heroes. Whenever there is an X-men game or Wolverine game out, I like to play it to see if it lives up to the comic book. It never does. Well...until now.

I saw the movie. Loved it. Of course I expected a game tie in. The always have them to go with the big Hollywood blockbusters. I didn't expect it to amount to much but of course why break tradition? I put the game in my queue on Gamefly and waited. Certainly not with bated breath.
So the game arrived and I put it in. Four hours later I realized I had hacked and slashed my way past my bedtime!
The game plays like a God of War clone. Which is great if you are a fan of that type of game. Who isn't? Instead of chained axes, you have the most badass weapons ever dreamt of. Six 12 inch claws of razor sharp adamantium. Finally a game that gets it right. You get to slice and dice like a set of Ginsu knives! Limbs will fly, blood will splatter and heads will roll! It's fantastic.
The controls are pretty good. Clunky every once in a while but not too bad. Fighting is fantastic. Of course you can upgrade Logan's powers and abilities with experience. You will learn more great fight moves to take on different enemy types and multiple enemies at once. Lunging is by far the most satisfying part of combat in this game. Being able to jump 50 yards and land on some poor schmuck while burying your claws in his chest is so delightful! There are also some God of War inspired button tapping cinematics.
The story line of the game is loosely based on the movie. They added and changed a few things here and there to make the game longer and more interesting. This doesn't bother me in the least. After watching the movie it is nice to not know exactly what is going to happen at every turn in the game. Hugh Jackman does the voice over for the game. It makes it a lot of fun because to me he is a great Wolverine. If the other actors don't do the voice overs for their characters then the people that they got sure do sound a lot like them.
So my recommendation is to definitely play this one. This is the best Wolverine game ever made. They don't penalize you for having a healing ability or somehow try to dumb it down. They let Wolvie be himself. I will have to say that this is a RENT though. The game is short enough and easy enough to only have limited re-playability.


Not quite ready for prime time

I've always respected Konami as a game publisher, but recently I have lost a little of that respect. Apparently they are too worried about insulting anyone to publish "Six Days in Fallujah", a game about the second battle in Fallujah, Iraq during 2004.

I do understand some of the conflict they must feel about putting this game out. It does have the potential to offend a lot of people. The subject matter is still very fresh in the minds of Americans because the war is still going on. Not to mention it is a very unpopular war. There is still the fact that people around the world that might agree with the insurgents could use this game as a soapbox to spout their propaganda.
The thing is, this is America. We are Americans. This game is being developed by Americans. Maybe it should be published by an American company. Rockstar maybe? They certainly have the balls to do it. If America can handle beating a crack whore with a baseball bat after shagging her in the back of an Infernus so you can get your money back, then we should be able to handle some patriotic Americans in uniform fighting for freedom and democracy. Or maybe Konami doesn't think that kind of thing sells? That's fine Konami. Play it safe.
I don't think this game would glorify war. I don't think this game would upset as many people as they think it would. Sure there always going to be the nay-sayers that tell you a game is evil, even when they have never even picked up a controller or dropped a quarter in their lives. Don't we ignore those people anyway? I wish Atomic Games luck in finding a new publisher.


Friday, May 22, 2009

WTF?: PSN Pricing

Alright, can someone tell me what the hell is going on over at Sony Headquarters? I turn on my PS3, go over to the Store and what do I see? A whole clusterfuck of confusion. $6.99 here, $22.99 there, what the fuck is that about?! Here's a quick breakdown of what I'm talking about.

Patapon 2, which just came out not too long ago is selling for $19.99. Reasonable. Pursuit Force 2, which has been out since January 29, 2008 is $22.99!?

Call of Duty: World at War map pack is $9.99, which includes 3 new maps, a new zombie mode, and other enhancements. Not bad. The Killzone Flash and Thunder pack includes 2 maps only and costs $6.99!?

PSOne classics usually costs $5.99. The recently announced Resident Evil: Director's Cut will cost $9.99, even when other countries are paying less for the same game?!?!?!!

Sony really needs to get on the ball and start making pricing standards or else developers will do what ever the hell they want, and potentially lose customers.

In the end, until its fixed, all I have to say is -- WTF?


Friday, May 8, 2009

6Cents Video Game Minicast - Episode 10.5 - E3 Predictions

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Our very first Minicast! In this episode, we talk about E3 2009 predictions.

Link to the list: E3 List


Monday, April 27, 2009

Marvel VS Capcom 2 Confirmed!!!

Yeah holy shit, but I'm pretty sure you saw this coming if you were following Capcom this past year. Capcom aquired the license for marvel and MvC2 was on the ESRB rating. These were pretty damn big hints that it was coming back. I'm sure the whole Street Fighter scene helped fuel the hunger for this as well and we can't forget about Tatsunoko Vs Capcom either. I'm pretty sure Capcom is gonna use the engine from that game and make another MvC game.

So anyhow... it is confirmed that Marvel Vs Capcom 2 is coming back. Kotaku has some details on it. Too lazy to click on the hyerlink? Here's the details Fat Bastard Style!

  • Downloadable game on PSN & XBL
  • Currently priced at $15 or 1200 M$ points
  • New visual filter, but not the complete SSF2THD:Remix treatment
  • Online matching modes
  • Widescreen Support
That's all the details out for now. Apparently there will be a demo out by the end of April for PSN. No word yet on XBL, but it will probably be the same.


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Fat Bastard Preview: Batman Arkham Asylum

I'm Batman! This is a small hands on preview of the demo I got to play. No bullets this time cause there wasn't enough things to list to look right.

I was at the local Walmart looking for some things for my game streaming/recording rig. Then I saw this! The demo consisted of only two challange rooms. One easy and one hard. It was unfortunate that there wasn't any real gameplay. It basically just puts you in a room with a bunch of guys and you have to beat them senselessly. Not that it's a bad thing, but you don't get to play with all the crazy gadgets Batman has that was hyped up from other previews. I was really hoping to fly around and then snap people's necks or make a wall explode from explosive foam.

The basic combat from the demo consists of using three buttons. They were punch, cape stun, counter, and block. Fighting was pretty easy, but fun. At least to me. After you beat down one guy and press the punch button again, you automatically zip to the nearest enemy and proceed with more beatings. When the enemy gets this weird spider sense tingling motion, you press the counter button and then... you counter! Cape stun just seems kinda silly, but it helps. You just hit them with it and then it opens them up to be hit.

Unfortunatly, that's all there was to the demo. It was just the same room, but with different difficulty settings. I just wished they brought more to the table to really tease the game.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

The jokes on Xbox



Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Left 4 Dead DLC - First Impressions

The 6Cents Crew got to try their hands at the new Survival Mode for the recently released Left 4 Dead DLC. Here are our reactions:

Maverick: (sigh). Personally, I was expecting some more maps or added difficulty/content to the campaign portion of the game when the DLC was announced, but instead I get this. With all the games out there today that have a "Horde" mode attached to it, I believed that Valve wouldn't go down the same path. Unfortunately, last night proved that wrong. With an insanely difficult level ramp and no guidance to the play through of the game, we were pretty much running around with our heads cut off. After replaying one of the stages a good 10-12 times, we decided to call it quits for now. I know what your saying, "It's becuz yooz guuys are hella NOOBZ!" That may be the case, but that doesn't stop the fact that the mode shows you no mercy whatsoever. But, maybe that's the point. Maybe Valve wants to push you to the limits, make you think as a team better, come up with solid strategies. Or maybe they just want to rape you in the ass rapidly with no lubrication. In any case, this is not the end of Survival Mode for me. I look forward to beating 4 minutes. In the meantime, I'll just keep thinking about a day when I can live out my fantasy of killing zombies in a huge mall.

Dead-Weight: Meh. It's okay. I liked the new lighthouse level. It was a cool addition, but I am not the horde mode type. I like playing the original game better. I too was hoping for some new levels to play in regular mode, but alas it was not to be. I still really love this game and if they don't abandon it I think they can still come out with new levels. The horde mode is a little bit too hard. Maybe replacing the tanks with witches would make it more fun for me. I dunno. I agree with Mav about the mall level though.

Smoof: I was pretty darn excited about it and you know what... it was fun for about 5 minutes. This seems like a faster paced nazi-zombie mode from COD 5, but requiring more strategy. You just receive wave of zombies and the special zombies. Those seems to be the biggest issue in trying to survive. I think I'd rather deal with 3 tanks then 3 smokers. They seemed to be the biggest issue in trapping everyone. Other then that... my real thoughts on anything with horde modes are pretty meh if there isn't anything rewarding. This maybe a horrible example, but with Dynasty Warriors... I love it because there is a sense of purpse, items you can get, and can level up things. I would enjoy Survival mode if there was things you can aquire as rewards or a equipment load out screen, but this would probably change the complexity of the game completly and wouldn't feel so L4D anymore.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

I WANTED a better game, but...

...all I got was this boring piece of trash. YAWN. I had high hopes for this one seeing how I loved the comic and the movie was pretty good. It seemed like they put some good thought into the story line of the game but shitty graphics, cut-scenes and gameplay ruined it. They would have done better making this into a low budget straight to DVD sequel. They probably would have made more money.

Was there anything good about the game, you ask? What about bending bullets? Yeah, cool for the first couple of times then it gets old. The cover system was inventive but sometimes clunky. I didn't understand why I had to run and hide behind cover because some deuchebag had a riot shield to hide behind. If I was such a super assassin I should have been able to zip up behind him and shove that shield straight up his ass. Why in God's name do I have to shoot baddies from a rooftop while some bitch hides and waits for me to do all the work. She's an assassin too. What? Is her gun in the shop? The coolest thing about the game is supposed to be the suit the Wesley's dad wore and bequeathed to him, but I never saw it. I couldn't stomach playing the game long enough to get it.
I am interested in how the story ends...well the middle part too since I didn't get much past the beginning, but I don't want to suffer through just to find out. If anyone wants to post a spoiler about it be my guest. Anyway, I give this one a D- and just stay away from it unless you have a tattoo of Wesley on your ass.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Patapon 2 Going UMD-less?

Reports have been coming in that Sony is about to try something new. It has been confirmed that they are going to sell Patapon 2, without the UMD.

The process is like this: You go to the store, you buy the game, you crack it open and there sits a voucher to go onto the PlayStation Store and download the game. Is this a problem? Depends. Some customers may go to the store expecting a physical copy, but instead get a sheet of paper. With that example alone you are bound to get a slew of people coming back to the store asking "What happened to the game? There's no game in here!" Also, what about people that don't have high-speed internet (yes, there are still people out there that don't have broadband)? It seems that they are singled out with this move.

You might be asking, "Maverick, is there any good coming out of this?" Sure there is. One, a lot of people have been saying that this could confirm the rumored UMD-less PSP2. Plus, going digital could benefit the company in the long run. Think about it. You can sell a game that does not need to be physically manufactured. I believe that what Sony is doing should be the way of the future. I've always been a big fan of digital distribution of full games (Steam is a great example of this). But, Sony should understand that there will be, without a doubt, complications with this process and should be ready to address any issues. Don't leave the people that support you in the dark.

Do you think this is the right thing to do, or too early for its time?


Sunday, April 12, 2009

6Cents Video Game Podcast - Episode 10 - March Madness

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Information is pretty dated in this one (March 14 dated), but is still awesome. In this podcast we talk about Wii Fit beating out Halo 3, gaming length, and video game violence. Also, Smoof has a british accent.


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fat Bastard Review: Resident Evil 5

This is a review in bullet form for you lazy ass people. My thoughts are expanded after the bullets for the curious.


  • Fun online co-op
  • Lots of replay value
  • Amazing graphics and detail
  • Co-op AI
  • No scares or tension
  • Offline 2 player co-op split screen has terrible display
  • Game play didn't feel like a need for a partner
  • No puzzles... more like tasks
  • Story felt really random
I know I had more negative than positive points, but overall the fun factor and replay value heavily outweighs the negative aspects for me. Just want to let everyone know before judging solely on the bullet points.

I admit I had trouble getting used to the controls at first because I wasn't used to them. What about RE4 you ask? I played about five minutes of and shut it off and never gave it another chance. After playing RE5 I really regret not giving RE4 another chance. I played RE5 on east at first and was able to get used to the controls. Eventually I went to normal once I felt comfortable. The online co-op helped out with me trying to adjust as well because I had noather live person shooting down zombies when I was messing up!

I really don't recommend playing the story by yourself. The partner AI was absolutely terrible. I can't imagine playing this on hard with the AI. Two things I could not stand about the AI was that it would not run away from enemies that would insta-kill and sometimes the AI would give me back ammo I just gave her. Only thing you could count on the AI not screwing up are the context sensitive parts from the scenes.

When I hear Resident Evil, I think of puzzles and the tension you feel during certain parts of the game. The puzzles in this didn't really feel like puzzles. They felt more like tasks. Usually they were consisted of you and your partner pulling ropes, moving objects, or hitting a switch. That's it... lame!

I would have like to have seen you and your partner get forced to split. Then one person has to protect the other from afar. Another scenario could be that person A gets separated and person B has to disable traps or solve a puzzle otherwise person A will perish! I think this would have enhanced the co-op experience with a resident evil touch. Because of the lack some real co-op mechanic, this game really felt like it wouldn't have been any different if it didn't have co-op.

Environmentally wise, I have always know resident evil fpr it's puzzles and tension it builds. The series never really had scares that jumped out at me, but it always developed the feeling of scarcity. Meaning I always had to use my supplies with caution because of the limited supply. Playing through RE5, I never had the problem of running out of bullets or health.

There are some things I felt that was annoying, but I'm being picky at that point. I think they're small negatives so take it with a grain of salt. For example, you can give weapons to the AI partner, but you can't give it to your partner online. I'm pretty sure this was done so you couldn't deck out a newb. No big deal. I didn't really care for the context sensitive parts from the cutscenes either. Leave that stuff for the God of War games.

If you try the offline co-op it felt very strange. It was split screen, but it was like they got two really small screens and staggered them in there. You couldn't really see the game play too well unless you had a really big TV.

Despite the many negatives, I've had so much fun playing with another person. The replay value is very high because of the upgrades to weapons, unlockables, and collectibles you can acquire. There is also a mercenary mode once you beat the game. This allows you to gain mission points quicker so you can buy more bonuses.

I recommend buying this unless you really don't like the replay value it offers.


Monday, March 30, 2009

Sony's Global Announcement - Ideas?

Sony has something up their sleeves and will be revealing what that is on Tuesday of this week. The buzz has been going around and people have been coming up with their own conclusions of what Sony will be announcing.

Some believe that its the famous PS3 price drop that EVERYONE (even developers) have been asking/waiting for. Or it could be the recently announced-ish price drop of the PS2. Heck, folks have been saying that they might drop the price of the PSP, with the PSP2 in mind. Others believe that it could be the details of firmware update 2.70. As you can see, everything is up in the air.

I told Smoof my prediction via Twitter...

@Smoof Exclusive preview of Parappa the Rappa 3: Revenge of Chop Chop Master Onion. Yeah, that sounds about right.

What are your ideas? Let us know in the comments!


Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Future of Gaming

Love it or hate it this is probably going to be the future of gaming. If you haven't heard of it yet there is a good reason why. After years of "stealth" development OnLive was announced at this years GDC. Ten heavy hitting developers are on board with OnLive. Basically what you have here is a mobile, anytime, anywhere, any-device gaming platform. Have an old Dell you want to play games on? Go ahead. Intel Mac? You're good to go. Really. Don't have a computer? With OnLive's small micro-console you can play on any tv. All you need is a broadband connection.
Sounds pretty fantastic. Will it work as advertised? Public Beta testing starts this summer, with a release date of a final product before Christmas. With a goal of prices below what next gen systems are priced now, consoles could conceivably be extinct by the end of this decade. Maybe the Wii can survive until they find out how to do motion control with their micro-console.
I for one am intrigued. This either will be a pivotal moment in gaming or the biggest blunder of all time. Sound off in the comments section with your opinions.

OnLive Website


Monday, March 16, 2009

One Word Reviews

Here are a list of games that I have beaten over time (in no specific order), that I have decided they need one word reviews...

1. Mirror's Edge - Meh

2. Battlefield: Bad Company - Witty

3. Gears of War 2 - Again?

4. Metal Gear Solid 4 - Popcorn

5. Halo 3 - Stop.

6. Fallout 3 - More!

7. Left 4 Dead - Brains

8. Grand Theft Auto 4 - Thousandnaire


After the Fact DLC Movement

Seems like a lot of people have been putting down Capcom for releasing DLC that should have been on the disc before launch. Street Fighter IV with costumes and the soon to be released Resident Evil 5 Versus online mode.

What are my thoughts about this sudden impact on DLC madness? I'm on the fence.

As far as Street Fighter goes, yes I can see the argument where the specific types of costumes could already be on the disc, and really your just paying to unlock them. But, on the other hand haven't you purchased Soul Calibur costumes packs without saying anything? I know I have. At the time, I just thought that it was a cool way to add more design to my custom character.

Same thing goes with the Online Mode for Resident Evil 5. People may think that Capcom believed that this "new" mode can be left out of the final version on purpose to make profit. Valid. But, Capcom has a good point. A quote from Christian Svensson on Destructoid said "Prior to the announcement of the Versus mode, no one complained they weren't getting their money's worth with the initial release because it packs TONS of value because it is an amazing game. So if people were already satisfied with what the package had, when we offer MORE, why is it people feel they've been somehow cheated? If you don't find value in our secondary offerings, the choice is simple, don't purchase it. If you do find it valueable (and we hope you do) please do buy it and enjoy it."

It makes sense. I didn't see one comment discussing the lack of content that was going to be in the game. Maybe more towards racism and a non-expansive control scheme. If we didn't know about it, why complain now? No one is forcing a gun to your head saying "Buy this DLC or else we'll shoot..."

Or maybe this is the problem. Capcom may be starting a revolution here. Not like a North defeating the South revolution, more like Nazis starting WWIII, revolution. If Capcom keeps up with this sudden trend, who's to say other developers won't follow? Maybe when you buy the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, you'll only be able to use 2 guns with only 30 bullets and in order for you to acquire more ammo, you'll have to purchase the DLC for them. What if it got so crazy that the next time you want to play a demo, you'll have to pay for it! (Wait, we already do that)

As far as these issues go, you always have a choice. Buy it or don't but it. For Street Fighter on the PS3, Smoof and I trade packs with each other. One week I buy one, let him download it from me, the next week he buys one and lets me download it from him. No harm no foul. We get the DLC but for a reasonable trade. But it was something that we wanted. Sure we could have waited for a bundle, or even not buy them at all and continue unlocking new colors. But again, it was our choice.

All I'm saying is just be smart about it people. If you think that what Capcom is doing is wrong, don't buy the DLC. But, if you think that it was a legitimate move, give it a try.

What are your thoughts on this?


Street Fighter 4 Voice Overs

Why haven't I seen this yet?! I had to try hard to control myself at work, because this was just too f'in funny. Good work IGN!


Sunday, March 15, 2009

6Cents Video Game Podcast - Episode 9 - The Reunion

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Our first episode of 2009, We have been gone for quite some time, but we are finally back!

In this episode, we talk about PSP2, Killzone 2, and Video Game Scores.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Mach Fun

The latest edition of the Tom Clancy gaming dynasty has arrived. Again Ubisoft is at the helm and produced another solid game. H.A.W.X takes you to the air and puts you in the pilot seat of more than 20 different aircraft ranging from the durable A-10 to the non-production YF-12 (SR-71 Blackbird with guns and missles). Amazing attention to detail and well scripted story make this game incredibly fun to play. I am a big fan of Clancy games that take place on the ground so I was interested in checking this one out. I didn't realize how much fun I would have with this.

Pros: Ummm...everything. This game is a lot of fun if you like aerial combat games. They went above and beyond getting the details of the planes right. The graphics are amazing. The controls are unlike anything I have played before. When you unlock the ability to turn off the computer assist on the plane then you really get to see what these planes can do!
Cons: Story is a decent length but once you beat it you have no choice but to play it again online to unlock all the extras. This can get repetitive and the only other option is head to head dog fighting. I'm really more into to team play than 1 v 1.
As much as I like this game I have to say it is a rental and not a buy. I don't think it has the staying power of a top notch FPS or a really long RPG. But do pick it up and have fun with it for a week or two. (Thank God for Gamefly!)


Friday, March 13, 2009

Brawlers Please Don't Die!

Just reminiscing about some old school arcade brawlers I loved when I was younger. Waste so many quarters and time, but still had lots of fun with them. I honestly believe brawlers are pretty much a dying genre now. I’m writing in hopes it will spark that old memory and keep the genre and or memory alive. Here’s two of the first brawlers I can remember playing a lot.

Bad Dudes vs Dragon Ninja and Double Dragon are the first brawlers I can remember playing in the arcades. I am gonna go ahead and say this and don’t care if it’s wrong, but they were probably the ones that started the whole side scrolling, beat’em up, bs story, quarter eating games.


Take Bad Dudes for example. Two bro like guys save the president from an army of ninjas and eat a cheeseburger with him after you save him in the end. The story was absolutely atrocious, but the game play was ridiculously fun for it’s time.

double dragon title

Double Dragon is probably one of the most famous brawlers out there. It has spawned sequels, a cartoon series, and a horrible movie. When people hear Double Dragon, I’m sure everyone thinks of the two brothers Billy and Jimmy, and let’s not forget about Abobo. Just got to love how it starts with a gang taking your girl and you fight your way to the end to get her back. The only funny thing is that if you beat it with 2 players, then you and your partner will duel it out for the girl!

Well hopefully someone attempts to make a new brawler or make a sequel to an old one. It only seems fitting as a downloadable game now a days. I don’t know if anyone is willing to spend the time and money to make a crazy co op brawler on the current gen systems. Hell I don’t know if anyone has the attention span to play them anymore. At least try to keep this genre alive in some form.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Smoof's Douchebag Award **UPDATE**

Yeah I'm giving it to Capcom.

Details about the DLC for RE5 are provided by gamertag radio. Basically in a nut shell you have to pay for vs mode and it seems it will be a $1 cheaper on the PS3. Multiple blog sites have been quoting the same thing, but I have not seemed to find a source on this. If this is true... yeah here's my first douchebag award. Great dick move crapcom. This is only enforcing abusment of dlc .

***update*** PR screwed up on the pricing for PS3. So it's actually $4.99 instead of $3.99!


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fat Bastard Review: Turtle Beach X1 *update

This is basically a quick review in bullet form and then some additional comments at the end if any.

• Usable with Xbox 360 and PC
• Separate volume controls for in game audio and voice chat. (360 only)
• Very long cable
• Great for late night gaming.
• Mic mute button
• Adjustable and comfortable headset… at least to me.
• Great bass boost from amplifier
• Reasonable price ($60)
• Mic and audio quality is excellent

• Too many cables
• Not usable with PS3
• Does not have 5.1 surround sound
• I get a weird feedback noise whenever the 360 controller vibrates

For the most part, I am happy with my purchase. I just wished I waited a little longer because Turtle beach just came out with the PX1. It’s compatible with the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360. My only real complaint is that I wish everything worked through the USB plug. I just thought I should throw out there that it does not have 5.1 surround sound. It’s not really a negative. It’s just to let you know it doesn’t have it.

If you have an Xbox 360 I recommend this. If you have a PS3 and/or Xbox360, get the PX1 model. I know I haven’t tried the PX1 model, but after using the X1 I’m pretty sure the quality will be just as good.

***Update*** Looks like all I need is an adapter and I can use this with the PS3!



Friday, March 6, 2009

Butt out?

So unless you can do this ---> with your money, you probably try to find the best deal you can on your games. So it disturbs me to hear the creator of God of War David Jaffe tell you the consumer to mind your own business. WTF!

In a recent conversation on YouTube Davey voiced his opinion about the sale of used games. Being a developer he apparently feels that he deserves a piece of the used game profit. He also feels moving towards totally digital distribution is the way to go so that they can completely control the gaming market. To top it all off he believes all of this is none of the consumers business.

I buy all my games at Gamestop. Used and new. I will pre-order the stuff I know that I will play for a long time. I buy used games that I really enjoyed renting from Gamefly. So if it were up to the developers and distributors of these games Gamestop and Gamefly would go completely out of business and I wouldn't have a place to get good deals on games. What they don't realize is that for me and many other gamers our ability to play the plethera of games that we do each year would be greatly diminished. I wouldn't be able to afford to try every game they put out each month. So actually they would be hurting their own business. I might buy the most hyped and best review game of the year, but other than that...meh.

I don't have the solution for these guys. I understand it takes a shit-ton of money to make these games and we always demand lower prices for higher quality. That's life though man. It just pisses me off that we should have no input in this. If we don't buy these games then where is Dave then? Flippin burgers, thats where. Don't bite the hand that feeds you Dave.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Maverick's Douchebag Award

The Douchebag Award goes to PSN: Sopi

Congratulations Sopi, because of your dumbass disconnecting before the match is over on Street Fighter 4, you have been honored as the first Douchebag of this on going series.

Let me explain...

Online match begins, good 1st round. Goes to me. 2nd round, I was about to win, and as soon as I try to go for my Ultra, this fucktard disconnects. Now, this hasn't been the first time this had happened to me, so that's why I let it go. I mean, I did call him a asshat for it, but I let it go. Searching for a new game, I get him again. Time for payback. 1st round goes to me. 2nd round I poke, ball, and super my way to victory. With a smidgit of health left on Sopi, I go for the Ultra... AND HE DISCONNECTS AGAIN! So, I said enough is enough. Here is our PSN conversation...

Maverick: Stop being a douchebag and play the game, you fuckhead.
Sopi: Fuck you and shut the fuck up little boy, stop crying
Maverick: Stop crying? Your the one who keeps d/c when you know your getting your ass beat, you stupid bitch. Keep playing scrub, maybe one day you'll take that cock out of your mouth, and finally play a full round.

Sopi, hold your head up high... so your father can cum in your mouth again, you DOUCHEBAG!



XBOX Live Conspiracy

ZOMG! Everyone’s money for Live Gold is going towards a robot army for Bill Gates bent on world domination! Okay… that might be a little too far fetched or is it? Microsoft might be the only company financially capable of doing so. Here’s my real conspiracy theory for XBOX Live. I am thinking that Microsoft might actually be lowering their membership fee. Maybe an announcement will be held at E3.

If you’re a cheap ass gamer, you probably get your membership through amazon or ebay. They usually run for about $45. Hey times are harsh in today’s economy. Every dollar counts! Lately for the past couple of months, several major retailers have been selling the yearly membership for $30. That’s $20 less than the msrp. It’s really heard to pass up if you do subscribe to gold and your membership is about to run out. In the past, amazon has sold those cards for $30, but there has never been major retailers selling those cards cheap back to back for this long.

Joystiq has recently written an article about the XBOX Live Marketplace running a promo offering gold memberships for $40. I have not noticed the ads myself on the marketplace because I usually do not pay attention to the ads. The article also states that there has not been a time limit on the promo.

I personally think it would be a smart idea for them to lower it. Everybody wins if they do. Consumers get to subscribe cheaper and Microsoft will probably win more customers. I am an XBOX 360 owner for a little over a year now, but did not ever buy the gold membership until last month. I have always been under the old school pc mentality of you shouldn’t have to pay to play online, except of course MMOs. With the deals that have been going on… I simply could not pass it up.

Also, there might be a slight chance that Microsoft is getting scared of Sony. Sure Sony still has not got a hold of this generation of gaming like they did with the PS2 and the Playstation Network infrastructure might not be the greatest. Well… you know what? It’s FREE and it works. Microsoft doesn’t seem to have much to offer this year compared to the PS3, but they still haven’t announced much of anything. I think I’ll save that topic for another time…



Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Trophies Viewable on

You can now display how 1337 you are to your Xbox 360 friends, by showing them all the Trophies you collected. has now added the "Trophies" feature when you login to the website using your PSN information. It shows you how many Trophies you have accumulated and it also shows you the breakdown on every game. has had this feature for quite some time now, but you can never be too late to party I guess.

Click the picture to view my Trophies screen...

What do you think about the new feature?



Street Fighter Fever!

Have you been bitten by the Street Fighter bug yet? I know it has for me, and I'm glad that it did. Street Fighter IV (released on February 9th) has been a smash hit, selling over 2 Million copies worldwide. With good reason, this is the first Street Fighter in 10 years.

Every night, I get in about 7-10 matches before going to bed, its that addicting. Smoof and I usually spar online, trying to 1 up each other. Then afterwards, we talk in-depth about the characters we chose, why we lost and how we can be better next time.

Its strange how a fighting game can bring large amounts of people together. From,, and so on, the rush of Street Fighter news, tournaments, and trash talk is overwhelming!

If you haven't picked this game up yet, or not sure if you can get back into a fighter, make sure you rush out to your local game store and plop down the doe for this one. You won't regret it. If you don't, come over to my house so I can flash kick you in the face. <3



Tuesday, March 3, 2009

In the zone

Killzone 2 is here! The much anticipated PS3 exclusive is amazing. Graphics, story, gameplay and online structure really satisfy the need for a top notch FPS exclusive on Playstation. 

I have never played Killzone 1 and I am not one to go back to an older system to catch up on a storyline. So comparing it to the old would be rather difficult. Here is what I do know about it.
Visually it is stunning. It makes great use of the power of the PS3. You really get the feel of Helghan being a war torn world. Debris, broken down buildings, and make shift bridges litter the landscape.
The story is really good so far as I have played it. Plays like a movie and the characters develop nicely.
Gameplay was difficult to get use to at first. The basic setup seemed a little sluggish to me and I had to adjust the look speed a bit. However after a few hours off and online I have become much more accurate with the weapons. Speaking of weapons they are realistically accurate compared to which you are using (i.e. rifle, shotgun, LMG).
Killzone 2 offers up class play that has been very popular in recent FPS's like Resistance 2. Different classes, weapons and other upgrades are available upon ranking up. The first class available is the medic which is particularly useful after dying constantly as a regular soldier. There are also engineers, tacticians, scouts and more. Each with their own special abilities. Although with each class you can still select from any weapon you unlock.
Other things that I thought were galactically awesome were the ability to create squads within your faction. Once you are part of a squad you get your own channel to talk to your teammates on so that you don't have to fight for the mic with 15 other guys. Better yet though you are able to spawn on your squad leader wherever he may be. This makes it easy to back him up in a pinch or stage for an attack on an objective.
This one is a well rounded game and has been getting high scores from reviews. I would say it is a definite buy. You will be playing this one for a long time.



Missing us? Don't cry! We were taking some time off and we are restructuring the way we do our podcasts. We are going to be shorter and more relevant to what is happening right now. Look for podcast cast number 9 coming soon!


Thanks for the Concern!

A loyal fan, xX_Deso_Xx sent me this message last night...

Thanks for the message, xX_Deso_Xx. I talked to the guys, and we should be up and running again by Sunday.

I know we have been gone for quite some time now. We have been busy lately, and haven't gotten around to getting back on the mic/blog. But, I assure you, we will be back in full force this weekend.

Stay tuned!



Friday, February 6, 2009

6Cents Video Game Podcast - Episode 008 - A Very Late Christmas

Click Here for RSS Feed or to add to iTunes!!!

This is super old news. Listen to this just to hear our beautiful voices :D



Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My home in Home

Just wanted to show some pics of my home in Home. I still haven't figured out what Home is supposed to be for everyone. So I decided to redecorate my home space.

This is a view of the cluttered mess.

Quite blurry, but it's a myspace esque shot.

In case zombies attack... barricade the doors.

If zombies break through... head for high ground.