Thursday, December 11, 2008


I hate your guts.



Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Piracy and You - A How To Guide on Letting Developers Know that DRM Suxorz

Apparently, DRM wasn't the savior for Spore, since it was rated the 'Most Pirated Game of 2008' at a staggering 1.7 Million downloads. A report from ShackNews shows the startling numbers...

  • Spore / 1,700,000 / Sept. 2008
  • The Sims 2 / 1,150,000 / Sept. 2004
  • Assassins Creed / 1,070,000 / Nov. 2007
  • Crysis / 940,000 / Nov. 2007
  • Command & Conquer 3 / 860,000 / Mar. 2007
  • Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare / 830,000 / Nov. 2007
  • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas / 740,000 / Jun. 2005
  • Fallout 3 / 645,000 / Oct. 2008
  • Far Cry 2 / 585,000 / Oct. 2008
  • Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 / 470,000 / Oct. 2008

  • Do you think this lets developers know that DRM is useless? Is it useless? I think the safest way to keep your game from being pirated, is to sell it through the Steam store. The game is bound to that user account (kinky) and boom, its secure. At least, I think it is... 

    What are your thoughts on this issue? Leave your replies in the comments!



    6Cents Review: Resistance 2

    Yes, this may be long overdue, but I figured that this can give us an opportunity to try out our game reviewing skills. 

    Maverick -  After beating Resistance 1 earlier in the year, I was eager to find out what was next for Nathan Hale. 

    The campaign (which I have yet to finish) seems to be pretty good so far. The weapons are just as unique as the first one, with some familiar re-appearances here in there. They also feel very well balanced. I like the fact that you can only carry 2 weapons at time, gives a survival type feel to it. I remember when I played Resistance 1, you had a slew of weapons to choose from, it got kind of overwhelming at times. Limiting yourself to only 2 gives you chance to strategize more.

    As far as the action goes in Resistance 2, what more could you ask for? The Chimera are pissed, and you can feel it. As soon as you get into your first mission, your introduced to 1. Your first huge ass mini boss, and 2. dozens of Chimera bastards ready to shove grenades up your hind quarters. And talk about 'huge ass mini boss', the scale is incredible. They remind me of "Shadow of the Colossus" type bosses. Now, are they particularly difficult to kill... eh? A couple rockets into their back, done. Just as long as you have good cover. Like I said, I haven't finished the game yet, so I could be wrong later.

    The story is... par. Some instances I got confused because either there was too much action going on, or I got too caught up in the moment to remember "why did we need to open this door again?" Other than that, its alright. Acting is good, pace is fine, lets move on.

    Online play was a blast! The 6Cents crew spent many o' hours running through the cooperative missions. I like how it has a WoW style of gameplay. You have your Tank, your Healer, and your AoE or Hunter-ish class. It really drives you into working as a team, which some games have lost sight of nowadays. Literally, if someone is not doing their job right, say goodbye to that run because the enemies will mop the floor with you. Straight up Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch were fun as well. Though I didn't like the fact that you could have "Unlimited" rounds. I remember being in a room for over an hour, and we were asking each other "If we were to leave now... do we still get XP?" The answer was no. I still wish there was a Online Coop Story Mode. I thought that was the original idea... but I guess not.

    The online interface (as far as friends and clans g0) needs to be noted as well. This is a feature that needs to be implemented in all PlayStation 3 games from here on in. It's very convenient to add friends into a 'Buddy' system, where you would invite your friends into a central location and all of you can jump from room to room without having to re-invite. It did have its issues. There is no warning that you are about to leave your buddies if you get too 'circle button' crazy and accidentally back out of the room. Annoying. 

    Resistance 2 is a great, must have title for anyone who owns a PS3. The campaign and online play will suck you in for hours upon hours of your time. With some minor annoyances, it was solid and lived up to the hype, personally.

    Rating Pass/Rent/Buy: Buy

    Dead-Weight: I don't personally care about the storyline. I kind of would like to know what happens to Nathan Hale but they removed the co-op feature for his story. Ghey! So I didn't even bother. 
    Competitive play is....meh. Mediocre at best.
    Where this game really shines is the online co-op. You get to play as 3 different classes for Specter Team and there is a whole story line for them that weaves in with Hale's. It would have been cool to see him once in awhile but it is still great none the less. I enjoy being able to upgrade each class and try out the new armor and weapons. Unfortunately during the latter levels it takes quite a bit to get the XP needed to attain the next rank. A double XP weekend would have been great a month ago. Also once you max out your character you no longer want to play that character so that you can work on the others. I doubt by the time I get a 3 up to max I will want to play it anymore. Still this is a very solid game and if you were a fan of the first one them you should pick it up. It will take you awhile to finish the all of the co-op story so I recommend a "Buy" on this one. That's my two cents.



    Sunday, December 7, 2008

    More Star Wars in SC4: Pt.2

    Last time I posted what good guys from the Star Wars universe I'd like to see as downloadable content for Soul Calibur. As I said last time... they should milk the license as long as they have it. Here's some guys I'd like to see from the dark side of the force.

    IG-100 Magna Guard

    It's a frickn' robot with an indestructible staff. Why the hell not have this guy in SC4. Scamco would most likely make the Magna Guard take on the characteristics of Kilik/Seung Mina. That would be the easier way out. Sure it probably wouldn't look like right with the movements of Kilik, but do you think Scamco would make a new moveset for the Magna Guard? At least the critical finish should be different. It should have another Magna Guard jump in and contort it's body to constrict the victom and the other one would do something fatal like... poke'm in the eye with the staff!

    Gamorrean Guard

    Ugh... another guard? Why? Because he's big, green, and a pig and resembles a fat orc. At this point I'm thinking that Namco should have done away with those guest anime characters and should have replaced them with characters from the Star Wars universe. This guy could have easily replaced Angol Fear and Ashlotte. His critical finish could have him for you into a rancor pit.


    If Yoda can be in SC4 then so can a Jawa. Yoda is a cheap bastard and is un-throwable in the game. So what do you do? Get another midget in the game. I'd imagine that his move set would have him jumping and flipping all over the place like Yoda. Why the hell not? For his critical finish I would like to see either a sandcrawler run over you or a bunch of jawas gang up on you and start scavenging.

    Asajj Ventress

    At this point you're probably thinking dang... 3 guys so far and no one using the force? Well here's Asajj Ventress. I think it would be pretty cool if she could someone how switch up styles from duel wielding two light sabres and combining them into a staff like Darth Maul's. In a sense... similar to how Ivy can switch her sword between a sword and whip state. As for her critical finish... not a damn clue. Maybe she grows an afro, a disco ball comes down, and both of you start dancing.

    Darth Talon

    I just picked her cause I thought she looked crazy cool. She's like a female stripper Darth Maul and I'm pretty sure if Namco brought her in, they would give her the gravity defying boobs treatment like Ivy.

    I'm sure some people were expecting big heavy hitters like Sidious or Dooku. I just wanted to give some other characters the light from the star wars universe. It be nice, but at the same not if Namco actually decided to milk the license. I don't think people would buy all these characters unless they gave a really good package deal. Judging by the crap dlc they have offered... they would rather rip you off. It would be nice if someone decided to make a decent fighting game with the star wars universe. Hopefully better then the abomination realeased long time ago, Masters of Teras Kasi. Whatever it was called.


    Saturday, December 6, 2008

    6Cents Video Game Podcast - Episode 007 - Second Life-Esque, Reviews, and Outtakes!

    Click Here for RSS Feed or to add to iTunes!!!

    Smoof and Dead-Weight pull a fast one on me.

    Microsoft News - New online store and New Xbox Experience

    Sony News - Ad Campaigns, Trophies, and Happy Birthday Sony

    Nintendo News - No DLC for GH, DSi System on Top

    PC News - Valve Deal, WOTLK, and Left4Dead Impressions



    Tuesday, December 2, 2008

    What is the 6Cents Crew Playing?

    Maverick - Lately, I've been playing the recently released Super Street Fighter 2 HD Remix Ultra Mega Limited Edition Collectors Set. Yes, I added a couple extra words, so what!? It's pretty fun, but I can't get over the fact that the character models just don't look like their old counterparts. They look too... Flashy. And what the fuck is up with T-Hawk being so damn hard?!

    I also purchased the 2 Pack Cymbals for Rock Band, and let me tell you, it makes the game 10x funner! Its just something about having the cymbals that makes playing the fake drums feel natural.

    On the PC side of things, Fallout 3 has consumed my life. That game is ridiculously good it blows my mind. I haven't been following the main quest, and I've already clocked in about 60+ hours. Good luck trying to pry me off of this one.

    The last game that I have been playing is Patapon on the PSP. One word can some this up... addictive. Who would have thought that a RPG Rhythm game would be so much fun.

    Dead-Weight - I try to work in a little Resistance 2 everyday so that I can get enough xp to upgrade my guys in co-op mode. I know the maps by heart now but it stays fresh by only letting you play a few parts of the level per session.

    I recieved the new Spider-man game from Gamefly and I have to say that it is pretty spectacular. It's not as realistic as the latest movie versions, but I feel they needed to move away from that anyway. The combat is amazing on the ground, air and even on the side of a building. You can even change back and forth from original costume to black symbiote at your leisure!

    I bought Mirror's Edge the other day and I find it lives up to the hype. The story is original and exciting. The gameplay really gets my heart pounding. I have trouble with the combat, but that is probably just my timing. The Parkour, as they call it, is fantastic! Climbing, jumping, and running as fast as you can over the rooftops is as fun as it gets. You have to check this one out!

    Smoof - OMGWTFBBQ! Right now is a very good time to be a gamer and a very bad time to be broke. There is a diarrhea of games that are exploding on to the streets this holiday season. I can hardly contain myself. All I have left in my wallet now are 2 cents for all of y'all with only some of the games I have aquired.

    I think my collection just started to grow with Socom back in September. That was just the start. Since then, I have bought Inifinite Undiscovery, Little Big Planet, Pixel Junk Eden, Burnout Paradise, Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway, Armored Core: For Answer, Fallout 3, Titan's Quest/Immortal Throne, and Left 4 Dead. Luckily most of them I was able to get them cheaper with the holiday discounts going on.

    I've mostly been concentrating on Left 4 Dead, Titan's Quest, and Fallout 3. Everynow and then I'll throw in a little bit of Resistance 2. I have to thank Gamefly for such a better/cheaper service than Blockbuster... otherwise I'd have to be mugging people for my video game addiction.

    Despite the price tag and content of Left 4 Dead, I can not tell you how much fun I am having with it. I think it has sort of rekindled my interests in FPS games. I'm not really too big on FPSs unless it's from Valve. Every other shooter just seems a lil generic to me. (I'm a valve fanboy.) Sure maybe it's a little linear, but this is really what a co-op game should really be. This really makes you feel like a real team and stuck in a zombie apocalypse. The whole atmosphere of this game just really makes you act on instinct and fear rather then skill! LOL. Also I have picked up the Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks in case of a Zombie Apocalypse ever occurs.

    People who can not wait for Diablo 3, I suggest Titan's Quest. This is such a good Diablo clone. Please put down Diable 2 and play this. Move on... D2 is old =P. This is also good game for me to listen to my backlog of other podcasts to catch on some news or think of some other posts. Yeah I haven't posted much, but I'll get on it... I promise.


    Thursday, November 27, 2008


    Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at 6cents! Hope you have a great holiday. We have a lot of game reviews in the works and we will have them up soon so check back often!


    Thursday, November 20, 2008

    More Star Wars in Soul Calibur IV?

    Should there be more downloadable characters in Soul Calibur IV? Sure why the hell not. Scamco should live up to their name. They might as well milk the shit out of the Star Wars license. Yeah it would suck to be nickel and dimed to death. Maybe they should put out a package deal? Here are some guys I would like to see... at least from the good side. Maybe I'll post some later on what I would like to see from the dark side.

    That's right.... General F'n Ackbar. I have no clue what his weapon would be. Maybe he would beat you with a swordfish? Bad pun, but whatever. Let's not forget that his taunt would have to have him scream... it's a trap! As for his critical finish... it could be like something where he's losing a fight with you, then screams "It's a trap!", then an x-wing falls on top of you!?

    Ok, now you asking who's this ugly mofo. That right there is Plo mother ef'n Koon. I don't know what is so special about the guy, but he fights with a yellow orangey lightsabre. Who does that? Also... he's extremely ugly. I would not want to be anywhere near this guy. Even if he is part of the jedi council. For his critical finish... maybe big tentacles comes out of his face and eats you or he just eats you. Like I said... he is ugly.

    Ahhh... it's Chewie groping you!!!! Ok... i just picked that picture cause it's funny looking. I would like to see him or just some crazy ass wookie warrior. I don't think fighting with a bow gun would be too fair in the Soul Calibur universe. I have no clue what he should fight with. Maybe a tree stump and let him be all primal and brutal! His critical finish move... no it will not be him groping you. How about he calls on his other fellow wookies and they just give you a primal beat down?

    On a serious note... how about Shaak Ti. I think it would be nice to give some of the other Star Wars characters part of the spotlight for once. Her alternate costume could be Ahsoka Tano from the clone wars movie rather than a color palette swap. On a not so serious note, her critical finish could be her giving you a lap dance!

    This is Serra Keto. I don't know if she's been in any comics or books on the expanded Star Wars universe, but I thought she was awesome in the Star Wars episode III game. Obviously from the picture she fought with dual light sabres. She easily could have replaced Shura in Soul Calibur 4, but they should give her her own moves. One of Cervantes moves would be him shooting his pistol at you from his sword. It looks retarded when Shura does it. Unless, they change it up to look like Serra uses the force or something.

    So if Scamco decides to milk the license, I would like to see these guys. Runners up, I had Kyle Katarn, Aayla Secura, Cin Drallig, and Mace Windu, but Mace Windu would act like Samuel L. Jackson and would yell profanities at you the whole match. Stick around... I might put up a list of guys from the dark side Scamco should milk.


    Sunday, November 16, 2008

    It's a small world after all.

    We here at 6cents have been so busy playing the plethora of new games that have come out this month we haven't been able to blog as much as we want. It's high time we did a review of some of these games we have been spending time with.

    I got Little Big Planet a week later after it was released unfortunately. So I was a little behind, but found the LBP community to be generous and helpful. This is a cutesy feel-good game that just makes people friendlier I guess.
    So to start off you, a brand new Sackboy is dropped into your pod which is your home. The big tutorial voice in the sky starts immediately in an begins to explain to you how LBP works. This is great because the pop-it menus, while very simple, can still be confusing at first. Most of the things you can do besides running and jumping are driven by the pop-it menu. So it is important to learn.
    When you run through the levels you will pick up items you can use to dress your Sackboy (or girl) with and decorate your pod with. These items and stickers especially come in handy during play to unlock secret areas and items. It's incredibly fun to change the your Sackboy's clothes and look. You can change the material and color of yourSackboy and even slap a sticker right on his forehead. Make sure you stick a giant peacock feather to your friends head when you invite them over to your pod.
    Which brings me to the co-op part of this game. You can invite your friends over to your pod and play the levels together, which is great because to get the really good stuff you will need more than one person. You will know these areas by the big X2 sign. Or X3 or X4. What? You don't have 4 friends to play LBP with you? That's okay. You can choose "Play Online" for any level and allow random new friends to join your game and help you out. That way you will never be alone. They can even play on levels you have created or other Little Big Planeteers have made.
    LBP has a whole moon devoted just to you for making your own LBP levels how you see fit. If you are very creative this is where the replay value of the game will come in. This game comes with everything, and I mean everything you need to build your very own LBP level from scratch. At first it can be overwhelming but with the help of that kindly British tutorial voice gentleman you will be designing like a pro in no time.
    This game is great for kids from 6 to 96. No matter what age you are I believe you will have fun playing LBP. I would give this game a solid A and that is my 2 cents.


    Saturday, November 15, 2008

    Smoof's Top 5 Fighter Revivals

    Well... getting hyped up from Street Fighter, I decided to put up my top 5 games I'd like to see come back. After all, Namco is shooting back with Soul Calibur and Tekken, Midway with MKvsDC, Capcom with SFIV and SFIIHDR. It's nice to see this genre come back.

    This was a fun title! This was probably Sega's answer to Super Smash Bros. I don't really have much to say about this since I did not own a Dreamcast or get this on XBL. All I know is that this was a great party mayhem title!

    Many people might not have played or heard of this title. This hidden gem started on the ill fated Sega Saturn. The same people that brought you Virtua Fighter made this game.
    Fighting Vipers played similar to Virtua Fighters, but brought some new things to the table. The arenas destructable walls and armor. It felt very satisfying blasting opponents though it. The big thing about this was that you destructable armor that made you more vulnerable once it was gone. Hmmm... sounds like Soul Calibur IV.

    I almost didn't put this on the list because it's actually done or in development. Here's some pics. Well it's on here anyway because it needs to make it to U.S. soil and this game is long over due.

    This is one of SNK's' better known fighting series. Japanese swordsmen, check. Kabuki fighter, check. Green goblin with Freddy Krueger claw!?, check. Although I don't think he's making a return. What more could you ask for?

    Streetfighting classic horror monsters is what I would say to describe this. I just loved the idea of this and how more non-sensical it is compared to Street Fighter. Can't forget about Felicia and Morrigan in this game!!!

    I still remember to this day that the arcade version annouced it was coming to the "Ultra 64", lol. I mean it was logical since it is the next step in progression from the "Super NES". 

    Anyhow, what I loved about this game was the combo system and their crazy ideas for characters. Some people knocked on the auto combo system and their ridiculous high combo hits. I thought the combo system was great because it was easy to pull off and more friendly then say Street Fighter combos. (I suck at SF, but still love the series.) The combo system consisted of doing an opener -> auto double or manual -> combo linker -> auto double or manual -> combo finisher. Now for the high combo complaints... I think everyone loved Marvel vs. Capcom games. So, there's no reason to hate it.

    I miss this the most because it's like a good easy mix of Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, and MvC. Rare... stop teasing everyone with your easter eggs of Killer Instinct related stuff in other games. If the could be released from Microsoft's clutches, it would be nice to see a revamped KI... on mulitplatforms. I think that's just wishful thinking though.


    Monday, November 10, 2008

    6Cents Video Game Podcast - Episode 006 - Bad Decisions, Movie Simulator, and WWII... Again

    Click Here for RSS Feed or to add to iTunes!!!

    Smoof makes more sound effects with his mouth. It's an art people.

    Microsoft News - Intentional bricking, Snake Cameo, and Netflix Streaming

    Sony News - Coming back Home, Sonwii, and No More Exclusives

    Nintendo News - Skate It bro, and more Zombies

    PC News - City of Heroes joins Apple, and WWII Beta



    6Cents Video Game Podcast - Episode 005 - Handful of S***, Repitition, and Leprechauns

    Click Here for RSS Feed or to add to iTunes!!!

    Dead-Weight wants Leprechauns... 'nuff said.

    Microsoft News - Zombie Ads, and Memory Upgrade Plan

    Sony News - Firmware Updates and Biosucks

    Nintendo News - Club What?

    PC News - You got your Starcraft in my Diablo



    Saturday, November 1, 2008

    Call of Duty: World at War Beta Winner!

    We have found a winner ladies and gentlemen!

    Congratulations to Synyster_Craig for snagging the beta code for Call of Duty: World at War!



    Tuesday, October 28, 2008

    Call of Duty: World at War Beta Code!!! : CLOSED!!!

    UPDATE: This contest is now over. Thanks for participating!

    That's right ladies and gentlemen, 6Cents has 1 Xbox 360 Beta Code for Call of Duty: World at War to give away!

    All you gotta do is to send me an email at, explaining why you want the beta key. Keep it short and creative, because I can't read good...

    Good luck to everyone!



    Monday, October 27, 2008

    Holy Lego Batman!

    Some of you might be groaning at the thought of yet another installment of the Lego series, but I hope you keep an open mind and check this one out. I am a big fan of the Lego games and Lego Batman is probably my favorite. The same style of gameplay is still here. Collecting Lego studs as currency, find the mini kit pieces and the power up bricks. There are a couple of new twists that are totally Batman though. Along with the myriad of characters available for play Batman and Robin get new costumes to handle the dozens of puzzles you run into. Heat resistance, Sonic blaster, Magnetic boots and a Scuba suit to name just a few. These add a new dimension to the gameplay that the last iterations didn't have. You start out with the normal Batman and have to locate a special suit in the level to pass certain obstacles or reach a bonus. Probably the best thing about this game though is the ability to play as the villians and not just in free play. You can play the story from both sides of the coin (sorry, bad Two-Face pun). Good guy levels are played from the Batcave and bad guy levels are played from Arkham Asylum. Batman and Robin might have to defeat the Joker to save Commissioner Gordon, but you can play the level where Joker kidnaps him in the first place! This is a great addition to the Lego franchise. If you liked the previous ones or you are just a big Batman buff you will definitely get a kick out of this one. That's my two cents anyway.


    6Cents Video Game Podcast - Episode 004 - Bejeweleding, More Stern Letters, and the Herps

    *Music found on Galbadia Hotel, this site is awesome for old school game music!

    Click Here for RSS Feed or to add to iTunes!!!

    "Better late than never" fits perfectly for my excuse why this podcast is 2 weeks late. Oh well, press play and let's forget this even happened...

    On this one, you can hear Dead-Weight playing Bejeweled 2 on his iPod Touch. If you want to play a drinking game, take a shot everytime you hear him start a new game. Enjoy!

    Microsoft News - Tomb Raider Bitch Slap, and 360 Owning Japan

    Sony News - Valve WTF, Price Drop No No, and We Be Buzzin'

    Nintendo News - Let's Tap... into Your Wallet, and DSigasm

    PC News - FREE Demos... oh wait...


    Monday, October 20, 2008

    Max Payne - Our 2 Cents

    The 6Cents Crew went to go see Max Payne on opening night. Here is what we thought about it...


    Going into the theater, I had high hopes that this would be the first video game movie that wouldn't suck. I was thinking to myself, "Its Max F'in Payne, you can't screw that up!" Well, I was semi wrong.

    I've played through the first game, but never picked up the second, yet mostly everything that was going on in the movie seemed to be very confusing. I sympathize with the people that were there that night, who haven't played the game, because I understand if they had questioned looks on their faces. Not only was it confusing, but it seemed to be all over the place. This is pretty much the formula of the film: Introduce new character, cut to a flash back of Max Payne's past, then cut to a fly-by scene of the city, repeat. Very random.

    Now, you might be asking, "but Maverick, what about the gunfights and bullet time, those had to have been good, right!?" Not quite. There was really only 2-3 scenes where Payne was fighting badies, but it seemed like they failed at this too. I thought that they were too quick and easy. The Bullet Time scenes were pretty good, but it's sad that only 5-8 seconds of Bullet Time were the best parts of the movie.

    All I have to say is, go see it for yourself. Maybe I'm being too hard on the movie. There was definitely potential in there some where, and I kind of felt that this wasn't the final version the director wanted, but it is what it is. Oh, and please tell Ludacris to take acting classes, my god.

    I give it 3 out of 5 cents.


    of hard to come up with a review when five minutes into the show Fringe, everyone's eyes start bleeding and some lady's head literally blows up! So anyways, Has there ever been a great video game to movie adaptation? With that in mind I saw the movie with no high expectations... okay maybe a little since I'm a fan of the games.

    Oh how I loved diving in slow motion and all the gun fights in the game. The movie however, was lacking some of those basic elements from the game. I felt that there wasn't too much of a connection with Payne and all the other characters in the film just felt like kind of flat. You do get the idea that Payne is feeling emo because he's wife was murdered, but they don't really go into detail until the middle of the movie. I think they should have really showed his past in the beginning and then go on to scenes of him out looking for revenge!

    Mila Kunis played Moana in the flick. Her character didn't seem too developed for the movie at all. She's here one second, gone another and comes back to look cute again.
    She was just better off speaking in Russian and shooting the whole time. That would look hotter. Her role was pretty significant in the second game. She was pretty much your hot ass side kick. The way this movie played went... they probably could have just left her out.

    So in the end, I would have just liked more real gun fights if they're not going to develop the characters and story well. There were only really two gunfights in the movie. After this movie... maybe Hollywood should really stay away from video game to movie adaptations like kids should stay away from Michael Jackson.

    2 out of 5 cents for Max Payne.



    Friday, October 10, 2008

    Puzzles In Real Life

    Have you ever wondered about puzzles in Resident Evil games? Don't get me wrong... they're fun and makes the game a bit unique. I mean... who the hell sets up puzzles to hide things or restrict access to areas in a mansion or a police station!? Can you imagine anyone doing this in real life? OMG I need a first aid kit, but I can't because it's locked in an indestructible see through enclosure. To unlock it I need to move statues, located on the other side of the building, onto pressure plates thus releasing the enclosure. Not to mention I need to navigate my way through hallways filled with puzzling traps.

    Just imagine puzzles applied to everyday scenarios. Do you think this would be fun? I sure as hell don't think so. Especially if I need to solve a problem to get into the bathroom. Sometimes you just don't have the time to solve anything.

    So I'm just curious what events in life do you think would be a bad time to have puzzles or good times to have them. Like maybe someone should have thrown a puzzle at Bush before he could wage war LOL! So please leave comments or email your ideas! I'd love to hear them.


    Thursday, October 9, 2008

    Finally, Some Good News

    Photo Credit: Shacknews

    No, your eyes do not deceive you. That IS Sephiroth and Old Snake, side by side in LittleBigPlanet.

    With all the bad news of Sony exclusives being turned into multiplatformed releases (Final Fantasy XIII and now the newly announced Tekken 6), I was in search for something that would lift my fanboy spirits. I came across this on ShackNews. It has been confirmed that Old Snake and Sephiroth will be joining the cast of iconic Sackboy/girl characters (others include Kratos from God of War, and Nariko from Heavenly Sword), come October 21st when the game is released. Not only that, but if you have designed levels for the game and were afraid that they wouldn't be transferred over, well you can stop worrying now. Those custom levels will be transferable to the final version.

    What great PlayStation icons would you like to see? Let me know in the comments section.

    Parrapa the Rappa, anyone? You gotta believe!

    Sources: Shacknews, Joystiq


    Another Exlusive Gone Multiplatform

    Photo Credit: Video Game Central

    Once again, Sony hits the "Fail" button as Tekken 6 makes its way over to the Xbox 360 for the first time ever.

    Announced at the Tokyo Game Show yesterday, Namco Bandai revealed that Tekken 6, which has always been exclusive to the PlayStation franchise, will now be released simultaneously with the Xbox 360. The director (Katsuhiro Harada) of the project sought out to explain himself, saying that with the game being released on both console, even more people will be able to enjoy the game.

    Personally, I think this sad news. Yes, I understand that its pretty pricey to develop games nowadays, and if you can spread your game over a wider console base, you could make more money. But there was a time when exclusives made your console decision. There was a time when you could sit down and say "Which console is better? Well, lets see who has what games." Now its turned into "Which console is better? Well, who has the better controller?"

    This has led me to believe that Sony has nothing up their sleeves anymore, not like the old days. The only games that they have going for themselves (if THOSE don't turn multiplatform as well) are Resistance, Killzone, and LittleBigPlanet. Are these enough to push consoles and make them more money? Can those games finally put a stop to Sony being pussies? Man up Sony, hold on to those titles. Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, Tekken, these were the reasons why you chose PlayStation! Now what do we have? Nothing. Xbox is clearly winning this, and I really do think that Sony has to pull something out of their asses by the end of the year to really be on top.

    Now, if you excuse me, I need to go cry in a corner and slit my wrists.

    TGS 2008: Tekken 6 Smacking Xbox 360

    Sources: Gamespot


    Wednesday, October 8, 2008

    Play on!

    Unsubstantiated rumors are flying around the net that the SOCOM Confrontation Beta will be extended yet again until Saturday or Sunday! This is so that the newest patch 1.6 can be tested and is supposed to be available tomorrow, Thursday the 9th. With the game coming out on next Tuesday this will possibly cut our W.O.S. (without SOCOM) time down to 2-3 days max! W00t!


    Daily Buzz

    The popular trivia gameshow game has finally been upgraded from PS2 to PS3! I was pretty excited to hear this considering I am a self-proclaimed god of trivia games. I picked up the game this weekend and have spent considerable time making my family and friends feel dumb as a box of rocks. I actually felt sorry for them and had to put the buzzer down for a couple of rounds to give them a chance.

    The PS3 version of the game comes with four bluetooth controllers each assigned it's own number and a bluetooth usb dongle. Yes, only one dongle is need for all four controllers so don't stress out if you opted for the cheaper version of PS3 with only 2 usb ports like I did. (Seriously, buy a 4 port usb hub, will ya?)
    If you haven't played the PS2 version then let me tell you a lil about the game. You get to choose your character from about 10 different pre-designed freaks. Yes they are all weird. Like Addams family weird. You get to add your name or use the default and play a little dress up by choosing different outfit colors for you character. Entertaining the first time you play the game, but unless your 6 you'll soon not give a crap.
    There are several game play styles that you will play through as you compete with the other players. Some are non-competitive and some are cut-throat. Being fast can sometimes be just as important as being correct for getting big points. Right or wrong you will be rewarded with entertaining comments from the host and retarded dances and poses from your character.
    The meat and potatoes of the game comes from the actual trivia questions though. The categories are new and relevant with thousands of questions you probably won't see the same one twice for a little while. Perhaps my favorite thing about this game is the DLC from PSN. I noticed 3 question packs on PSN so far with 500 questions a piece. That's 1500 questions you can download when you have run the gambit on the disk questions.
    With the addition of being able to make your own trivia questions up and add them into the game I forsee the replayability of this game being very high. If your into party games or just trivia save yourself a trip to Buffalo Wild Wings and 100 bucks in beer money. Go buy this game. You will love it. That's my 2 cents.


    Tuesday, October 7, 2008

    6Cents Video Game Podcast - Episode 003 - Massive Action, Sailor Moon, and a New President for Nintendo

    *Music found on Galbadia Hotel, this site is awesome for old school game music!

    Click Here for RSS Feed or to add to iTunes!!!

    If the stories sound like they are old news... its because they are, so tough

    In this episode, we talk about very important stuff, like Smoof's birthday and how
    "Massive Action" sounds like a porno.

    Microsoft News - Duke Nukem ... out Forever? 360 outselling PS3 again!

    Sony News - The sad truth about non-retroactive trophies, and subscription fees
    proposed for MAG.

    Wii News - The girlfriend chimes in, and new DS information.

    PC News - Sims 3, Steam, and Bejeweled, oh my.



    Monday, October 6, 2008

    Episode 3 - Behind Schedule

    I just wanted to extend my deepest apologies to everyone out there, including the Autobots for being extremely late on posting our third episode of our podcast. I could give you excuses to save myself, but I won't because it would just be a waste of your time. I will try my hardest to post it as soon as possible.

    We talked about in the podcast, but since its not up yet, I'll just tell you guys (and gals) now. Our SOCOM Beta contest is still going on. You have until... well, the beta should have been over by now, but it seems like its still going so what the hell, I'm still giving it away anyways. All YOU have to do is email me at, telling me why you want the SOCOM beta key. It doesn't have to be long, just be creative. We will read the submissions on the next podcast and announce the winner. Good luck!

    Again, sorry for being late. Please don't hate me :'(



    Wednesday, October 1, 2008

    New Nintendo DS!!!

    It's the new Nintendo DS promised by the new president of Nintendo!!! You will find out who the new president by listening to the new podcast episode coming soon.


    Friday, September 26, 2008

    Personal Shoutout - ThePoopMeister

    Super mega thanks to ThePoopMeister for hooking me up with a key to the much anticipated game, LittleBigPlanet. That's right, I said it, LittleBigPlanet.

    ThePoopMeister, your awesome!



    The Last Starfighter

    I know what you are thinking. I do. I'm psychic. You're thinking, "Umm DW? Super Stardust HD has been out for awhile now. Why are you blogging about it now?" Well Mav was kind enough to let me download it from his profile and I just started playing it a week ago. So eat my shorts. Let's point out something that is also painfully obvious so we can just get it out of the way. This game is basically Asteroids. It's updated sure. Lil bit fancier. Better graphics definitely, but still Asteroids all the same. And that's okay, because I like asteroids. I am sure there are some of you old timers out there that liked it too. If you didn't play it back in the day like me then you'll still like this one. Very simple shoot 'em up. You fly around the planet in orbit and blow up asteroids and aliens. The twist is there are 3 kinds of asteroids and 3 kind of weapons. Rock, gold and ice. You also get some bombs that will destroy everything within a certain radius and a boost ability that has to recharge but is otherwise infinite.
    I am so frakkin addicted to this game I can't put it down. There is even co-op game play! If you are the casual gamer or a hard core guy that needs something to do between new releases then check this one out. I am getting pretty good at it so maybe we will put up high score challenge for y'all in the near future. I don't think you will be able to beat me though, but that's just my 2 cents.


    Thursday, September 25, 2008

    We Are Going Places

    I just got the confirmation email today.


    More details to come, but in a couple of hours you should be able to search for our names straight from the iTunes Store.

    You can't believe how excited I am right now. I'd just like to congratulate everyone here at 6Cents, we did it guys, we did it!



    Non-Retroactive Trophies/Nerd Cups - Does It Really Matter?

    Alright, as all of you should know by now, I am a Trophy/Achievement whore. I love them so much that if there was a Trophy given out for having sex with your PS3, I would probably attempt to earn it. But, if I already had sex with my PS3 and was told that the only way to get a trophy for having sex with your PS3, would be to have sex with it AGAIN, I would ... probably do it again, but it would still suck because that Blu-Ray DVD drive slot is pretty damn small... and a scab easily.

    What I'm trying to get at is, non-retroactive Trophies really sting the community of gamers that have already busted their asses through that particular game. Case in point, Burnout Paradise. Today, Criterion released the much anticipated patch that would allow Trophy support for the PS3 version of the game. Much hype was put into this since the company stated that those Trophies would be retroactive. Off of Criterion's website, they explain that "Burnout Paradise saves are locked to your profile. We had hoped to use this to retroactively award trophies, but we discovered during testing that this is not possible." ...And you decided to tell us this... now? Why did they wait so long? It's like they just tried the patch out today and realized "Oh shit... um... Boss?! These Trophies we promised were going to be retroactive... well... there not" They had to have known this a while back before releasing the patch, why didn't they just tell us what's up? I would have taken the news a lot better if I knew this was going to happen.

    But, I can't shit on Criterion too much. I mean, they did give us two awesome updates, Cagney and Bikes, FOR FREE. That was pretty bold of them. But, I just felt that I was lied to. Me, among other people, I think feel the same way. We put a lot, and I mean, A LOT of time into Burnout Paradise. I just don't think I could start from the beginning again and work my way up to where I am now, just for shiny Trophies. But, that's just me.

    Oh well, maybe they were just kidding? Haha Criterion... good one... I hope... :'(

    Sources: Joystiq, Criterion Games



    Tuesday, September 23, 2008

    6Cents Video Game Podcast - Episode 002 - Major Plugs, Pixelated Boobies, and Bigger is Better

    *Music found on Galbadia Hotel, this site is awesome for old school game music!

    Click Here for RSS Feed or to add to iTunes!!!

    I have a giveaway this time around, Smoof talks RPGz, and Dead-Weight loves him some Co-op... and boobies... but then again, we all love boobies.

    This episode the crew discuss gag orders (that's what she said), my fav Capcom and game critics.

    Microsoft News - Party Games the norm?, Fall dashboard avatar ready, and Blu-Ray support.

    Sony News - A butt-load of updates, better non-exclusive exclusives, and 8 Player fragtasticness.

    Nintendo News - Wii Music.... and... um... VIEWER MAIL!

    PC News - Fallout 3 changes the game and more downsizing (cries)

    *** SUPER DUPER GIVEAWAY, listen to the whole podcast for details. Don't cut corners, nubzor***

    Sorry this podcast is so late, but now you can stop crying, we're here now baby... we're here now.




    This one is on us, pal. Have a good one!

    -6Cents Crew


    Tuesday, September 16, 2008


    A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...I kicked some frackin' ass! W00t! Picked up my copy of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed today from Gamestop. I've been playing for a few hours and I thought I should take a break and give my review.

    I have read some pretty poor reviews lately on this game and I was afraid to buy it. I find that video game critics are usually more spot on than movie critics, but this time I have to disagree with them. Although this game isn't perfect and has a few minor drawbacks that we can start out with. Hate to leave you with a bad taste in your mouth.

    First of all I picked up the graphic novel because I am a huge fan of Star Wars so I know how the story begins and ends. So after a few hours of playing I know where I am in the game and it is close to the end. So the number one thing I don't like about the game is it's too short. Of course it was not unexpected so I'll live.

    Secondly, which is not a huge deal because it happens to lot's of games, it was good for me and I still love you...wait, what? Nevermind. Number 2 the camera can be a bit of a bear at times. I spent a lot of time swinging the camera back and forth trying to find enemies. Luckily you can lock on to the baddies and a push of R3 will swing you immediately back to front.

    Okay, now that we got that out of the way let me explain why I love this game. The story is incredible! I love it. If you saw the Clone Wars movie recently you might have been more than a little dissapointed by the childish story. If you were craving a something a little more grown up then you'll find it here. I do recommend getting either the novel or the graphic novel if you are huge fan.

    The force powers in the game are fantastic and only get better as you move along. Your actual force powers are weak at first but then in a RPG fashion you will be able to upgrade them. However your lightsaber skills are 1337 from the beginning. You will get immense satisfaction out of tossing stormtroopers like ragdolls and picking TIE Fighters of the assembly line like apples, then flinging them just as easily.

    Well I could go on and on like the retarded fan boy I am, but you should stop reading blogs and go impale somebody on the end of your lightsaber. There is a lot more to this game that I would like to get into, but you can check it out for yourself. So enjoy and that's my 2 cents.


    6Cents Challenge #1 - PAIN Highest Score (Abusement Park) **CLOSED**

    Alright ladies and gentlemen, here is a new series for us, its called the "6Cents Challenge". Here's the skinny. The 6Cents crew will post a video up every month (that's if we don't get lazy and forget) of a certain accomplishment that we do that we think none of you can achieve. If you can beat our challenge: record it, post it on youtube, and submit the link in the comments portion of that specific post. The person to beat the challenge with the best score by the end of the month will be featured on the website. Remember, your not just going after us, your going after the entire internets... who come to our website :D. Good luck to everyone!

    Can you beat my awesome score?

    Score to beat: 7,587,872

    1. Record yourself beating the challenge
    2. Upload the video to YouTube
    3. Submit the link in the comments section of the post
    4. Wait and see if you are victorious

    UPDATE: I guess no one was able to beat my score, so I have closed the challenged. I rock.


    GameFly and Me - A Journey into the Unknown

    With the rest of the guys from 6Cents already having GameFly accounts, I thought that I should jump on the bandwagon.

    From the nice man instant messaging me (big ups to Mike from GameFly), helping me through the process, to the wide selections of games to choose from, it seems good... so far. I opted to choose the "2 Games" rental at an introductory rate of $12.99 for the first month, and $22.99 there after. In the beginning, I was very hesitant to commit to this, since its not very cheap. But I put it into prospective, if I were to buy two games a month, that would cost me $120 (If I was rich bastard and purchased games new all the time). That's $1440 a year. Knowning that I can have two games out at time, for as long as I want, and I can send them back and get new games in its place, that $22.99 price really is worth every penny.

    I will keep everyone posted on my adventures with GameFly as the weeks, or even months go on. So far my Q looks like this...

    1. Assassin's Creed (PS3, I haven't played it yet, so shut up and don't judge me)
    2. Skate (PS3, same as #1)
    3. Disgaea 3 (PS3)
    4. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PS3, I want the trophies)
    5. Pure (PS3)
    6. Dead Rising (X360, I never finished it... and I really have an urge to kill zombies)
    7. Crackdown (X360)
    8. Infinite Undiscovery (X360)
    9. Legendary (PS3)
    10. Fallout 3 (PS3)

    What were your experiences with GameFly? Let us know in the comments!

    - Maverick


    LittleBigPlanet Release Date - Commence the Orgasm

    Over at Evil Avatar, news of the LittleBigPlanet release date have popped up. Taken from the Sony Press Release, LBP will be coming out on October 21st in the US, and October 24th in Europe.

    In the meantime you can watch Media Molecule's latest Sackboy/Girl video. Please try and hold back your tears of joy.



    Saturday, September 13, 2008

    Abusement Park

    Got my first trophy for PS3 today! From the title I am sure that you can tell which game it was in. I got real excited but I can't even tell which trophy it was. If you have a PS3 and a credit card you should have this game.

    The Abusement Park add on was released for Pain this week through PSN and is a refreshing change of scenery after playing the downtown level for weeks. I say weeks because the gameplay is so addictive you will spend hours at a time on one single objective. Abusement Park takes you to an indoor amusment park with about 8 different rides that you can demolish. The add on also gives you a couple more characters that you can use but of course you have to pay 99 cents to download them. Of course the same game play styles are there. A free play, the cumpulsary grab and toss and annoying yet freaky make up wearing entertainer, yadda yadda.

    There are some differences other than the obvious change of scenery though. The Abusement Park has less object to start a chain reaction domino effect like in the Downtown area. Instead there are more ways to keep you character airborne and moving to keep destruction and pain going. Most rides move at a pretty good pace enabling you to be thrown from one area to another. There are lots of secrets to uncover in the park also. You can check out the trophy list in the menu to get some hints.

    All and all it's a good addition to Pain that will keep you busy for hours trying to figure out how to activate the gaddam digress. Sorry. Yeah, so I highly recommend it.

    - Dead-Weight


    Thursday, September 11, 2008

    MK vs DC Characters Revealed - I'm Confused?

    Debate on the characters chosen for the new Mortal Kombat vs DC game. FIGHT!

    Apparently, an Xbox360 website called compiled a list of all the characters that will be showing up to battle, from the achievements that were leaked.

    I looked over the list, and it seems like a decent size, but... I don't know most of them. I understand the usual suspects that are obvious would be in the game, Sub-Zero, Batman, and so on, but DeathStroke? Who is that? Please, if your a DC fan, hit the link, look at the list, and explain to me who the hell these people are. Thanks.

    Yes. I'm teh lamez.

    List of MK vs DC Characters

    Found on Kotaku



    Who's Your Fav Company? - Capcom

    I should just end the post right here, because I shouldn't have to explain myself why Capcom, to me, is the best gaming company out there. But, I might as well support my decision with some very strong examples.

    Since the beginning, through my eyes, Capcom has always been on top of the gaming industry, spanning over multiple genres. From fast pace shooters/platformers like MegaMan to survival horror superstars like Resident Evil, the company has many "greatest hits" under their belt, and they just keep producing. I don't think that there was one time where I didn't like one of their games. It was something about the way they developed them that had me hook. Games nowadays only have an emphasis just on graphics, or just on the story, but Capcom made sure to make emphasis on all of it. Catchy music, stellar graphics, excellent gameplay, just pure awesomeness.
    Along with all the success that they have had during all these years, they have given us many gaming icons. MegaMan, Ryu and Ken, Dante from Devil May Cry, the Umbrella team, jumping challenged Bionic Commando, the boxer with hearts on them wearing knight, Arthur from Ghost n' Goblins, you see where I'm getting at? Nuff said.

    The future of Capcom seems to be getting brighter with their introductions into the next gen scene, and I am just as excited as you guys may be. Resident Evil 5, which comes out next year really displays the hard work and dedication to the artform that they love, which is making great games. But not to be shunned out, the much anticipated Street Fighter IV will sure to hadoken everyone in the face when it makes its ways onto the consoles. The more the years go on, the better it gets with them.

    I don't know what else to say. I'd feel as if I were to just ramble on, you would get tired of hearing how much I heart Capcom, so I'll end it here. Now, if you excuse me, I have to fire up my Dreamcast and play some Power Stone.



    Square Enix & Xbox 360

    One thing for sure the 360 is missing are RPGs or decent ones anyways. More specifically... JRPGs. This fall and winter seems like the 360 is finally going to get some real RPGs. Square Enix might give me the reason to fire up the 360 again. Even if the games are bad lol.

    Thanks to Square Enix, RPG madness will be starting with Infinite Undiscovery. That is a terrible name by the way. I wonder if things were lost in translation. It just does not make any sense to me, but I still need to get my hands on it!!! After that game, Star Ocean and The Last Remnant will be dropping on the 360 as well and eventually Final Fantasy XIII, but I'm going to support that game on the PS3.
    I think these games show how deep Microsoft's pockets are and how much they are trying to reach other crowds and the Japanese Market. They are doing damn well in the states due to super high action crazy games like Halo 3, Gears of War, and Call of Duty 4. Notice a pattern? They are all shooters. Those games do great here in the U.S., but in the Japanese Market... it seems they have a different taste for other types of games. Maybe if they steampunked Master Chief, he has a girlfriend that gets kidnapped and killed, then seeks revenge only to find out that his former friend from the army killed her... maybe then it would appeal to the Japanese.
    I really hope it was worth every penny Microsoft spent on Square Enix for the earlier mentioned titles. Infinite Undiscovery and Star Ocean were not announced at all until June or July. So I Hope SE had enough time to develop them properly. The Last Remnant was the only title that was known for a while and Microsoft only has a time exclusive for it. A side note for that game... the Europeans actually pissed and moaned for it to become available for the PC. So thanks to them, something decent will be coming to the PC and not another Sims contemporary furniture expansion set.
    Maybe one of those unannounced Halo projects will be a JRPG! What if Microsoft actually convinced Square Enix or even Atlus to make it? Wouldn't that be amazing!? I personally would be sold if they gave Master Chief a steampunk make over... and a real name.

    - Smoof